Tinnitus – Is there a cure?


I have been struggling with tinnitus for some time and by some time I mean for my whole life. I can’t remember when I started hearing this nonstop ringing in my ears, it has become a normal thing in my daily life.

Until recently when I decided that I must at least try to do something about it. I have taken my question to Google as what any person in today’s age will do. Luckily, I didn’t find out that I am dying with only a few days to live but I did find something that came up a lot.

Take your hands with your palms covering your ears and with your middle fingers touching each other at the back of your head. They must be at the point where you can clearly feel the skull and some muscle. Then taking your index finger and flicking it off your middle finger to hit that area at the back of your head. It will sound like a drum.

After you mastered this repeat the finger flicking drum beat for about 50 times and that should help.
Then I see all the videos of people talking about how this helped them and that the sound is gone. I must be doing something wrong because I’m still getting this annoying ringing in my ears.

Being in a place where there is silence is the worst place for me to be. The ringing feels like it get’s amplified.

My question is… Is there anybody out there that have experience with tinnitus and have found something that really works?

Please be so kind as to share what you did to bring down or stop the ringing.

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