Fibromyalgia; a Beastly Condition

Many of us suffer from this beastly illness including me. Sufferers know the pain well. Just being touched or clothing, such as tags or textures can hurt. I was often reduced to tears from the stabbing, burning, aching and gnawing of it!

There is hope! People with fibromyalgia respond well to alternative/holistic and homeophathic forms of therapy and lots of nurturing. Also, prescription drugs seem to compound the problem rather than help it in the long-term. Toxic overload of chemicals trigger fibromyalgia.

With me, I found out that a lot of my pain is related to additives that are put in foods such as preservatives; primarily sulphites, food allergies and toxicity from medications. As a result, I try to eat organic foods that are not overly processed. I have also always suspected that genetically modified foods are a culprit/trigger also. I believe that gmo's trigger the autoimmune system because our bodies' do not recognize the proteins in gmo foods. 

The list of causes is endless. I have methodically figured it out through the process of elimination. It can be related to an autoimmune condition as well, such as thyroditis or rheumatoid arthritis -- any condition that causes the body's immune system to attack itself.

Stress is a big factor too. Yoga, meditation and Tai Chi help alot, but in gentle moderation! A balance of rest/sleep, work, recreation and play are important. I have it pretty controled right now, but one little mistake - and the pain gets triggered!

I know how frustrating it is. So little is known or understood about this illness; and there isn't a lot of support available from doctors. I have pretty much given up on conventional doctors and took responsibility for my own cure. I know that it is different for everyone.

Fibromyalgia can be traced to many triggers. It is secondary to many illnesses , infections and other problems, as well. It can be related to nutritional deficencies and metabolic problems. Finally some studies are showing promising ways that fibromyalgia can be diagnosed. One is the inflammatory factor and another is regarding extra pain receptors in the skin that other people don't have. People with fibromyalgia have also often been in automobile accidents. In part, it is a hypersensitivity to pain for some people. There may also be a link to psychological and emotional trauma.

I was recently asked how fibromyalgia is diagnosed. It  is a complicated illness and falls under an entire syndrome of symptoms - among them being fatigue, inflammation and chronic pain. One of the main ways that it is diagnosed is through painful pressure points. There have been times when just leaning on my elbow or hand gave me tremendous pain. The pressure point way of diagnosing isn't failsafe because like with many illnesses, one has to be having a flareup to be positive for this test. Fibromyalgia can also be mild to severe. A severe case is to be in pain almost all the time, among the other symptoms.

Here is a helpful site on symptoms and diagnosis of fibromyalgia -- 

Diet and eliminating allergens~

Figuring out my allergies and food sensitivities have helped my fibromylagia symptoms a lot. I found that my allergies and sensitivities are a big trigger of my fibromyalgia pain. I am also very sensitive to medications and have to be very careful there too. Diet is important. I try to eat as organic and unprocessed as possible. Everyone is different and it took me several years to figure all of this out and I still am working on it! 

And, those charlie horses are the pits. I find that vitamins seem to help, especially calcium and sometimes potassium. Also magneisum and selenium. The soil is depleted of selenium and I think it's the minerals that we lack in our diets. We drink filtered water now, and depending on the type of filter process, most of the natural minerals are removed and need to be replaced somehow. Really warm baths help, eucalyptus oil seems to increase circulation. I don't use it straight, but mix the pure oil with my regular body cream. Oh, the bottom of the feet pain, I have had also. It is a very odd and painful feeling indeed. Haven't had it for a while, but I recall getting it before. Things seems to come and go. I think walking helps, ironically- for me anyway. Good, supportive shoes are important. Rub your feet with oils and give them hot soakes. They will love you for it.

Be sure to have a thorough check-up for any hidden infections in the body; both viral and bacterial. This can be a big trigger for fibromyalgia pain.  Tooth infections and mono are two hidden causes.

This article only scratches the surface for fibromyalgia sufferers. I welcome any and all input about how anyone else is dealing with fibromyalgia; or if you just need support -- I value your opinions! 

By Karen Eisenlord 2018

Whoever comments, I promise I'll upvote and respond! 

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