BRAINwashed and CONtrolled. File #1: COWs MILK

File #1 as part of a series of files to expose the lies we accept as truth.
BRAINwashed and CONtrolled. Our Brains have been conned.


The BRAIN CON objective: Cow’s Milk
Deepen the pockets of the Meat and Dairy industry. Creates bad health, increasing the profits of the alloPATHETIC health care system. Promoted by Medical Dr.’s, Nutrionist and the Main Stream Media as doing the body good.

Why do humans even drink cow’s milk? This is a multi-generational BRAIN CON that runs very deep. Humans are the only species on the planet that drinks the milk from another species. Additionally, no other species continues to drink milk after being weaned, except for humans. The very sad truth is that humans firmly believe they need milk to be healthy.
90% of people are lactose intolerant. Many have a genetic mutation called lactase persistance that allows post-weaned humans to continue to digest milk. If you tolerate it and have the mutation, it does not mean its ok to drink it.

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What you’re are told:

  1. You need it for the calcium
  2. You need it for vitamin D
  3. You need the protein
  4. Makes you strong and healthy
  5. You can lose weight from it


  1. One quart contains 400 million pus cells (AKA white blood cells)
  2. The milk protein is called (Casein) and it literally toxic to humans. It’s been linked to the following: Eczema, Acne, Kidney disease, Arthritis, Tooth Decay, Asthma, IBS, Sinus issue, Colitis, Chrons, MS, and Cancers.
    3.) It’s actually a byproduct of blood.
    4.) Contains bacteria, viruses, hormones, antibiotics, and parasites. Each glass can contain a mixture of as many as 20 painkillers, antibiotics and growth hormones.

Milk does contain calcium, but milk itself is acidic causing your body to shed calcium from your bones to alkalize your PH up to neutral level of 7. Older people with Osteoporosis drink milking thinking they are doing the body good, when in fact they are stripping more bone density from themselves causing more harm.

So where do cow’s get their calcium from? Are they drinking milk too!? Calcium is abundant in greens and fruit. You can get everything your body needs from fruits and veggies alone.
What about Vitamin D? The best source of Vitamin D is from natural sunlight. Avoid vitamin D2, which is a synthetic animal product. Vitamin D has shown to be one of the most important factors in maintaining a strong immune system, so be sure to keep an eye on your D3 levels.

The PHLEGM! Milk is an inflammatory, mucus forming concoction that backs up your lymphatic system like no other. Your lymphatic system is like your sewage system for your body. It’s vital to maintain free flowing waste to be excreted from your body. Why would you ever want to back your house up with waste? Your lymph nodes are like septic tanks, and when these tanks get clogged, is when DISease represents itself. Most DISease is a product of toxins being backed up in the lymphatic system.

Cow’s milk is designed for cow babies (calves). Human milk is designed for human babies. Why would you feed a little 7lb human baby the same food that is meant to grow something to be over 500lbs? The cow produced milk contains an immune system and protein ratios specifically for a cow. It is said that a baby should be weaned from human milk right around 2 years of age, which is around the time lactose enzymes stop being produced.

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Any alternatives?

Yes, there are many alternatives but you don’t need them. If so, I would put them in the following order starting with the best. Ben and Jerry’s now makes some ice cream flavors with Almond milk and they taste amazing.
1.) Almond
2.) Cocunut
3.) Rice


Thank you for taking the time to read my first file on BRAINwashing & CONtrolling series. I have hundreds of topics to cover.

Follow me if you would like to see more each week. ~Jeffron @jeff747

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