I love cold water swimming in winter! You should try it too!

A year ago I started going into the cold water in winter and I fell in love with that activity!


Now I do it every week on sundays from november to april. Every time I try to extend the time I spend in cold water.

I always do an warm-up before I go into the cold water. I'm running for few minutes in the forest.


Maybe it's not exactly swimming yet because as You see I wear a cap and gloves but I have plan to take them off next time:)


In Poland we have minus 0 temperature so as You can se there is an ice on the surface of water.


And we have a lot of swans which don't want to fly away to Africa so people need feed them up.

Spending time in cold water makes me happy and powerful. It's a great way to mind reset and be loaded by positive energy.

After swimming in cold water I have a lot of endorphins and I'm ready for new week!


For me is the best way to spending time with nature in winter.

I have plan do to it for the rest of my life:) And I really recommend this activity for everybody!

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