Coconut Milk for Beauty


Coconut is a fruit that has millions of benefits for human life. From the tree trunk, leaves, roots, and fruit. In addition to the delicious taste, this fruit has tremendous benefits for the beauty and health of our bodies.

Today, @HealthWizard will discuss about the amazing benefits of coconut milk.

Benefits of Coconut Milk for Beauty :

  • Disguise the Blackened Knees and Elbows

Knees and elbows may be areas of the body that escape the attention and care, consequently both parts are blackened and dry. You can use lemon juice and coconut oil to beautify and care for the skin of your knees and elbows.

How to :

Mix lemon juice with 1/2 teaspoon of coconut oil, wipe slowly but repeatedly to the knees and elbows, rub gently. Do it again and again until the mixture is finished, then clean. Do it every day.

  • Nutrition Hair

Coconut milk is excellent for nourishing your hair. Coconut milk contains a lot of vitamins and nutrients that are very good for our hair. So your hair can be more groomed and look more sparkling.

  • Increases Hair Growth

Coconut milk also can increase hair growth. Because coconut milk contains Vitamin E and essential oils that can increase fertility and hair growth. You also can add olive oil in order to get maximum results.

How to :

Apply coconut milk mixed with olive oil on your hair and scalp, then let stand for 15 minutes, then rinse with water until clean.

  • Overcoming Dry Hair

Dry Hair is also a problem that often makes people not confident. But now you don't have to worry, this dry hair problem can be overcome by using coconut milk. Coconut milk contains a natural protein that can moisturize the hair so dry hair is overcome.

How to :

Apply coconut milk to your hair, let stand for a few minutes, then rinse with water.

Your life is precious, you must stay healthy to be able to enjoy this beautiful life, have a healthy body, a healthy heart, and a healthy mind will make you more happy, so... stay beautiful and healthy. Please be nice to your body, so if you interest in our articles, please be sure follow @HealthWizard. Be Happy and be Healthy

Thank's steemian'

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