Fat Acceptance is Bullshit

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Fat Acceptance is Bullshit

This is going to be a subject full of controversy; if you don’t have to stomach to read this post because you may get offended, then I advise you to run away.

For the last two days, I was browsing the youtube searching for controversial topics, and I got from the killings from South Africa to feminism, and soon after that, I stumbled upon the subject of fat positive which in my opinion is complete bullshit.

If you do believe in something like fat positivity then, this post will probably offend you because I am always frank and straightforward speaking my mind and when I see such a stupid idea being promoted I have to step in and try to tear it down.

In case you don’t know Fat Acceptance is the concept promoted by some fat women, and when I say fat, like really fat, who consider that, fat people should accept their body as it is and stop fighting.

Before I get any deeper into this, I want to mention that I was an obese kid at the age of nine-ten so now I can talk about this bullshit topic.

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I do believe that it’s important to accept, to embrace your situation no matter where you are right now but you shouldn’t stop there no matter what. The problem is that these women accept their weight, which is ok, but they stop there, they don’t have any other wish of overcoming their situation.

If fat acceptance means to you that you can keep on eating fast food while sitting on the couch for the whole day playing video games or watching TV instead of trying to change your life and improve your health then, it only means that you’re lazy and don’t want to put in the work.

Look, I do get that it’s not always easy to lose fat especially if you have a sedentary lifestyle but you shouldn’t believe that being fat is ok, you shouldn’t think that having a massive body is healthy, as these fatty activists, as they called themselves, think.

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If you accept the fact that you’re fat, but you stop there, you will only limit yourself into thinking that there’s no point in changing the way you look because it is ok to be fat.

I know it’s not easy to go to the gym, I live a sedentary life too because now I’m trying to build something, investing all of my spare time for my goals. But the least you can do is to eat healthier because that McDonald’s cancer isn't going to help you in any way shape or form.

The problem is that we are lazy beings that don’t necessarily want to put in the hard work and change something, thus considering that being fat is okay is convenient for those people because it means that they don’t have to get fit anymore.

As I said, I was fat, and for a kid who was always eating unhealthy food, it meant that I had to put in a tremendous amount of effort to lay off those cancerous stuff, but in the end, I got thinner and thinner until the point I started feeling amazing. Trust me, it’s not good to be fat, being thin feels so much freaking better.

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As a final thought, the people promoting fat acceptance (positivity) but are not putting in the work of losing weight are only some lazy bastards that like the convenience and want to have an excuse for their miserable situation.

Being fat is not being healthy, you shouldn’t listen to those people and if you’re in a position like that you have to make changes in your lifestyle, consider quitting sugar, eating healthier and maybe even trying intermittent fasting.

Lose that weight, eat better and feel better but don't do it because I say so, do it because you want to.

The pictures are from Pixabay: 1, 2, 3, 4.



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