It is time to say No for Smoking

Is smoking bad for your health?Since as a minimum the 1950s, health experts have linked smoking to lung cancer. Research keeps to pinpoint more techniques tobacco harms your health, from cancers to chronic (long-term) diseases.

Experts estimate that 16 million Americans live with a illness due to smoking. Every year, extra or much less 480,000 people die from smoking-related diseases. That manner that for everyone who dies from smoking, as a minimum 30 others live with a excessive smoking-related illness.

How does Smoking affect your body?
Tobacco use harms every organ to your body. Smoking tobacco introduces now not nice nicotine but moreover more than 5,000 chemicals, such as numerous carcinogens (cancer-causing chemicals), into your lungs, blood and organs.

The damage due to smoking can shorten your lifespan significantly. In fact, smoking is the number one purpose of preventable lack of existence withinside the United States.
Pregnant women who smoke positioned their unborn toddlers at hazard, too. Possible effects on pregnancy include:

  1. Low birth weight
  2. Ectopic pregnancy, a life-threatening condition when the embryo implants outside the uterus.
  3. Miscarriages.
  4. Stillbirths.
  5. Birth defects, such as cleft palate...

Smoking Is very bad for health!
The high-quality manner to keep away from getting unwell from smoking is to by no means start. If you do smoke, quitting as quickly as feasible can save you or opposite fitness problems. Without smoking, you can:

• Live longer.
• Reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease.
• Feel healthier and have more energy.
• Look and feel better.
• Save money.

How can I quit smoking ?

The extraordinary way to avoid getting ill from smoking is to never start. If you do smoke, quitting as fast as viable can prevent or contrary health problems. Without smoking, you can:

  1. Get rid of all cigarettes and anything related to smoking, like lighters and ashtrays.

  2. Remind your self that you are a nonsmoker, and also you do not smoke.

  3. Don’t forget to exercise regularly, because it has health benefits and help you feel relax.

  4. Avoid places, people and situations you associate with smoking...

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