Something the mainstream media is not covering could save your life

I'm not joking with that title, right now there is an ongoing clinical trial for a drug that could save your life - literally YOUR life, the person reading this.

Right now, everyone on this planet suffers from the disease of aging, and it is just that - a disease - and one that causes multiple other diseases such as heart disease, cancer and senile dementia.

What  it is

The molecule seen above is the anti-diabetic drug known as Metformin - something that has been known for years as a possible anti-aging drug. People on metformin for diabetes have been found to suffer from far lower mortality rates from all medical causes. Metformin drastically lowers rates of cancer while also upregulating DNA repair mechanisms via the AMPK pathway.

What is truly exciting is it appears to actually partially reverse some damage, and it also appears to act in a similar fashion to caloric restriction - without the need to actually restrict calories.

Read a meta-review here:

What has changed

Until now, it wasn't clear how safe metformin was for use by regular people, nor was it approved for use in treating aging alone. That is set to change with a pilot trial to study the use of metformin to target aging - and if the trial is successful it will get FDA approval for use in treating aging itself.

Read about the study here and keep an eye on it:

Every single person on this planet could benefit from this work, even if not everyone can take metformin (since it isn't suited for all patients unfortunately).

For me personally, I plan to start taking 500mg daily unless side effects manifest - for everyone else, go speak to your doctor and get a prescription.

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