Childhood programming becomes habit of perception and behavior.

hypnosis-154466_1280.pngChildhood programming becomes habit of perception and behavior.

Between the age of 0 and 6 we receive all our programming from the external world, be it parents , friends, family, school etc. And based on that programming your subconscious mind will lead you through the rest of your life.

Childhood programming becomes habit of perception and behavior.

So you can imagine when as a kid you did not have much positive programming this can be a real hindrance in your adult life.

If we look at the work of Bruce Lipton we can see that our perception of life is not only controlling our DNA and wellbeing,. (Ever heard of the placebo effect?) but also our reality.

So the habits that we learn early in life will stick with us unless we change the lesson in the subconscious mind.

Habits are self-reinforcing cycles of beliefs and perception.

Let’s take an example. Say we have a 2 year old seeing a burning candle for the first time. And it is curious as 2 year olds are in nature. We burn our hand and we learn a lesson.

Habits are self-reinforcing cycles of beliefs and perception.

So what happens here?

Our experience shapes our perception. ( Candles are hot and hurt)
Our perception creates a belief (all candles are hot and hurt)
Our believe will reinforce our perceptions
Our perception creates experience
And our experience will reinforce our beliefs

Now don’t get me wrong, this is a good mechanism, after all we don’t want to be burned by a candle over and over again for the rest of our life.

But how about we learned another lesson. Say for instance you have learned you don’t deserve happiness. Or may be someone told you you are ugly or fat or anything else negative.

These beliefs will stick as well. It uses the same mechanisme. These negative programming received between year 0 and 6 will turn into your little saboteur. We all have one that little voice in the back of our head telling us we can’t do that, we are not worthy, we are weak etc.

This is the negative programming we put out in the world and we alway receive back what we put out there.

So we need to tackle this inner saboteur and let it know it is wrong.
There are several ways to do this:


3 methods to change the programming of the subconscious mind.
Hypnosis is probably the most direct one as in hypnosis we speak directly to the subconscious mind and we are able by means of suggestion to change it’s behaviour.
However you need a good hypnotist for that.

EFT and Psych-k are two methods that you can do without any external help.

Rob Williams is explaning and demonstrating how Psych-K works:


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