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Valerian - Nature's Tranquilizer

Do you long for a good night's sleep? Do you struggle with anxiety or stress?
Do you wish there was a safe, natural, and effective remedy to ease these symptoms?
Then give Valerian a try!


Often called "nature's Valium," Valerian root (Valeriana officinalis) has been soothing nerves and helping people get a peaceful night's sleep for more than 2,000 years.

Renowned ancient physicians, Hippocrates and Galen both wrote of its beneficial properties. Shell-shocked WWI vets were treated with Valerian and during WWII Valerian helped the British people 'keep calm and carry on' through the dark days of the blitz.

On a lighter note, in medieval Sweden, it was supposedly placed in the wedding clothes of the groom to ward off the “envy” of elves. I have prescribed valerian for my own patients, as well as taken it myself with excellent results and no side effects, but I must say I have no idea if it can do anything about “elf envy”!

Valerian root is derived from valerian (Valeriana officinalis), a perennial flowering plant with pink or white flowers, native to Europe and parts of Asia and now comonly found in North America as well.

So here's what Valerian can do for you ...


Valerian is one of the most effective herbal remedies for insomnia and improves the overall quality of sleep. Studies show it helps you fall asleep more quickly and enter the restorative deep stage of sleep 36 percent faster.

In one double-blind study conducted by the Foellinge Health Center in Sweden, the effects of Valerian on restless sleep were amazing. Of the study participants, 44 percent reported perfect sleep while 89 percent noted improved sleep after taking Valerian.


Scientists have discovered that Valerian root increases the amount of a naturally occurring neurotransmitter called gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the brain. GABA helps regulate nerve cells and has a sedative effect. In addition, the valerenic acid in valerian inhibits an enzyme that destroys GABA, thus boosting GABA levels and further promoting relaxation.


Valerian is a very helpful herb for getting through stressful times. Its capacity to improve the quality of your sleep in combination with its support of healthy levels of GABA and serotonin keeps your nervous system resilient and calm and protects you from the ravages of stress.


The same active components that make Valerian root so effective for managing stress and anxiety also help lower and regulate blood pressure. Valerian naturally balances blood pressure and keeps it at a healthy level.


Valerian root is a natural muscle relaxant and antispasmodic so it reduces the severity and discomfort of any type of muscle tension, spasms or cramps, including those awful menstrual cramps.


Women going through the hormonal ups and downs, and mood swings associated with menopause may also experience relief by taking Valerian.


For insomnia, many studies have used between 400 milligrams and 900 milligrams of Valerian about 30 minutes before bedtime which in my experience is about right. The first couple of nights, start with the lower dose to see how you do. If needed, you can gradually increase it up to about 1,500 milligrams per dose.

Once sleep improves, continue taking valerian for two to six weeks, then taper off and see how you feel. Most people can safely take Valerian over many months or even years, although in that case I recommend taking periodic breaks from it and alternating with other calming herbs, such as California Poppy, or Passionflower.

Valerian can also be taken, if needed, during waking hours in times of extreme anxiety or stress. Try a low dose of 100 -200 milligrams three or four times a day about 3-4 hours apart. The only precaution is to avoid operating heavy machinery, driving, or performing any tasks which require full alertness for safety. I recommend experimenting with how Valerian affects you on your days off.


Most people notice that Valerian relaxes them within 30 minutes of taking the very first dose. However, if you've been under a lot of stress for an extended period of time, it may take a couple of weeks before you notice significant results. Valerian won't just knock you out like sleep medications. It works with your body to promote production of naturally occurring body chemicals that induce relaxation and calmness. It may take several days or weeks of regularly taking Valerian for these substances to be replenished. Keep in mind also that Valerian, or any herbal supplement for that matter, will work best when accompanied by any other dietary/lifestyle changes needed to support good sleep and stress management.


The calming effects of Valerian typically last about 3-4 hours. If you wake up in the middle of the night and have at least 3 hours before you need to start your day, you can take another dose to help you fall back to sleep.

Unlike many prescription sleeping pills, Valerian has no dangerous side effects and as long as your last dose is at least 3-4 hours prior to wakeup time, it will not cause morning drowsiness.


Valerian root can be purchased as a supplement in a variety of forms at health food stores or online retailers such as or

Some brands I've had good results with are as follows:

Paradise Herbs European Valerian - this company does not use any binders or fillers but they are a bit more expensive
Gaia Herbs Valerian Liquid Phyto-caps - very good quality standardized extract but on the expensive side
NOW Foods Valerian - no binders or fillers added and a good value


It reeks! Just to give you a heads-up, Valerian has a very odd smell. I've heard it described as anything from canned peas to smelly socks. Fortunately, it doesn't taste the way it smells, and since you'll probably be taking it in capsule form, it really won't be a problem.

Cats love it! Another oddity about Valerian is that to some cats, Valerian is even better than catnip, so don't leave your valerian around where kitty can get into it or you may find that your capsules have all been chewed to bits and there's nothing left for you!

It's Safe!

Studies have not found any serious adverse effects from Valerian and there are centuries of empirical data demonstrating its safety and efficacy. Unlike sleeping pills, Valerian will not leave you feeling hung-over or adversely affect your reaction time, alertness or concentration the following day, nor will it cause weird and dangerous symptoms like sleep-driving or sleep-eating that can occur with prescription sleep aids.


That said, do not take Valerian if you are currently on any other over-the-counter or prescription sleeping pills, narcotics, antidepressants, antianxiety, or antiseizure medication. Also do not take Valerian if you've just imbibed a lot of alcohol.

Do not drive or use machinery until at least 4 hours after taking valerian.

Herbs can affect different people in different ways and there are a very small number of people who report feeling energized by Valerian root. I have personally never encountered this, but If this turns out to be the case for you, then don't worry because there are plenty of other herbs that can help you relax.

The information in this article is meant for general informational purposes. If you have any questions at all as to whether or not Valerian is a good choice for you, then by all means check with your health care practitioner.

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