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Daily Exposure To Greenery Could Help To Extend Your Life Suggests New Study

A group of researchers from the US and Canada have recently published their findings in The Lancet Planetary Health from their study, which suggests that daily exposure to trees and other greenery might help to extend your life.

They looked at census data for over 1 million Canadians, and then compared that data to mortality rates for an 11 year period. They investigated whether or not people lived near plants, trees, and other greenery, that was at least within 250 meters of their residence. From that they estimated daily exposure to the greenery. Researchers also took into consideration things like population density and air pollution, and they still found that for those who live near more greenery, that they were likely to see between an 8 to 12 percent reduced risk of death.

Their study analyzed over 30 different cities in Canada and one of the interesting findings researchers say that they discovered was that for the more affluent families, that they were seen to benefit more from the exposure to greenery in their area. And this is interesting because if you looked at two individuals who had relatively the same characteristics (age, city, sex), yet a difference in income, those with the lower income were seen to have reaped less of a benefit from living near the same amount of greenery that provided a wealthier individual with more longevity.

Researchers suggest that perhaps one reason this could be the case is because those with lower incomes might have less time to spend enjoying that greenery outside or have worse views of the greenery around them.

According to their results, it's more beneficial for individuals to have exposure to greenery around their homes (being exposed daily), than it is to make some weekly or bi-weekly trip to the park; as far as longevity is concerned.

Aside from possible benefits of longevity, there are a variety of other benefits that are said to come along with spending more time outside.

Spending more time with nature is alleged to help with: boosting creativity, reducing stress, improving focus, increasing vit D levels, reducing inflammation, improving vision, boosting the immune system*, and more. According to a number of studies on this subject, spending more time outside could play a big role in reaping major benefits in the way of mental and physical healing.

After this study, researchers say that they would like to follow it up by investigating if there are similar results when it comes to living close to lakes, rivers, and oceans.



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