What is it with the AMRAP, WOD I heard from my Crossfit friend?

Some of you might be baffle with the new language that you heard or notice coming out from Crossfit based workout and even some mainstream magazine is starting to use these terminology.

Lets do A to Z the general acronym that you might heard.

Crossfit TermsMeaning
AMRAPAs Many Reps/Rounds As Possible: It's normally goes with a time before the acronym for this, for an example 12Min AMRAP of 5 80kg Deadlift, 7 Strict Pull Ups and 9 Push Ups, when you finish the final reps of push ups you go back to Deadlift and do another round until the 12 minutes is ups and your score will be the rounds+reps that is succesfully performed
ATGASS to Grass: In Crossfit, there's a standard to go by when performing squat which you need to have your knee below your hip crease or generally known as ATGGoogle Image
BPBench Press
BSBack Squat or Bullshit, Nah! only Back Squat
CLN and C&JClean and Clean & JerkGoogle Image
DUDouble Unders, normally when we do rope jump or rope skip, the rope will be passing under our feet once but with DU, the rope required to passes underneath your feet twice.
EMOMEvery Minute on the Minute: Your workout will be based on the clock as the for an example the workout says 10Minute EMOM of 8Burpess, so every minute you do 8 Burpees and rest the remaining time until the next minute arrive for 10minutes
FSFront Squat
HSPUHandstand Push Up
MetConMetabolic Conditioning Workout
MUManchester United, Oops!, I mean Muscle UpGoogle Image
OHSOverhead Squat
PRPersonal Record, There's a world record, this is your personal record
PPPush Press
PUUsually is Pull Ups, but sometimes as push ups
Rx'd; as Rx'dAs prescribed; as written or given, the workout is done without any adjustment.
RMRepetition Maximum or Rep Max. Your 1RM means the heaviest lift you can perform for 1 repition. 10RM means 10 heaviest/most lift you can perform for 10 repititions.
SDHPSumo Deadlift High PullGoogle Image
SNSnatchGoogle Image
TTBToes to Bar, by hanging from a bar, you need to bring your leg up and toe touches the bar in between your hand
WODWorkout of the Day, because the workout in Crossfit usually changes everyday so WOD means the workout for that day

Thanks for stopping by my blog guys, I hope it will help you understands more when your friends bring this topic out, or if you are just starting to begin your Crossfit journey.

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