Happiness Is So Slippery And Slick For Me


Have you ever tried handling a catfish? Or a Mudfish perhaps, they are hard to handle especially the Catfish because of the spike on its fins and one jerk from its side would mean that you will get a cut on your hand for sure. I saw that happened to me and some of my friends because we didn't know that fact yet and we paid the price.

But of course once you caught the catfish and finally had cooked it, that will be your reward for catching a seemingly so hard to find and catch catfish.

In my life now it feels that I am still in the stream or river hunting for my own catfish and I can't seem to find one. It is so slippery like an Eel or a catfish for that matter and even if you hold it in your hand it is so slick that it can escape and get away at a jerk of its body from your hand.

But it seems that catching catfishes and Eels are more possible for me than achieving happiness in this lifetime because it may take a miracle to happen before my goals are achieved. I could sense that I might just die trying to achieve my medical goals because of the inter-winding factors or complications about my health issues.

My number one foe now is time because as time passes by I am losing hope for the reason that my body might give way before I could get the possibility to achieve my surgery goals. Well that is the time for an eternal rest and I will just be thankful to God for letting me witness this beautiful world and meeting my family and getting also some friends online, enjoying, food, air, water, nature, everything that the world has to offer.

But while I am still alive I will just have to find a way for me to achieve a greater happiness, not via relationships, travels, and all that extras in life but for me I just want to experience how to be normal. People don't realize it but having a normal health is just a bliss in life and that is what I am pursuing, it maybe slippery like a catfish but I know what I will be getting in the end.

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