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My 28 day sugar detox days 22 and 23 - Tips for eating healthy while travelling


Hello Steemians,

I am coming towards the end of my 28 day sugar detox! Although it will be the end of the 28 days I am definitely going to carry on and live relatively sugar free as I have mentioned previously. We are off for a week in Poland over easter, so today I thought I would share some tips about how to stay healthy while travelling. We are going to be travelling over summer for 3 months, so I need to really be focussed on eating healthy. However, just a couple of reflections over the last couple of days first.

My awakening taste buds

As I have mentioned it in the last blog it feels like my taste buds have been ‘awakened’ - everything has so much more flavour! I can taste so many more flavours than when I was eating sugar. I think what has happened is that my taste buds were so used to being on ‘overdrive’ that they don't recognise and register more ‘dull’ tastes. After nearly 3 weeks I have a renewed sense of taste and Im loving it! If your interested in learning more about this check out this link


Although the cravings are becoming less frequent today I had quite a few strong cravings. I am proof reading my wifes Masters at the moment, and it is long and tiring! I found myself in the afternoon really wanting to go out get some sweets, but had to stay strong - it's amazing what you can do when you set your mind to it!
To make it even harder I went to my lesson tonight, and one of the other teachers had a big bag of lollies she was offering around! I (somehow) managed to say no, but it was very difficult!


Tips for eating healthy while travelling

So how am I going to stay healthy and sugar free while travelling. Here are some of the things I will be considering

  • Always go to a supermarket if possible - there is a lot less temptation and alot more healthy foods (We are staying in and air BNB) so this shouldn't be to difficult)
  • Eating a good breakfast - the old saying ‘breakfast is the most important meal of the day’ is true - when I don't have a good breakfast I often find myself sluggish and more likely to want sugary or deep fried foods.
  • Eating enough Protein - protein gives you energy and keeps you satiated for longer.
  • Have plenty of ‘healthy’ snacks, such as nuts, seeds, vegetables and cured meats
  • Hydrate - as I have mentioned many times on this blog, keeping hydrated is essential - and it's no different when you are travelling.


Obviously while travelling we want to try some traditional food from where we are visiting but this doesn't mean you have to have a large coca-cola with your meal - I can easily just drink water! Often when travelling you can find a lot of really healthy street foods which consist of fresh meat and vegetables - delicious and healthy!


Lentil soup recipe

Before I go I thought I would share a nice healthy lentil soup recipe I made yesterday:
2 carrots, diced
1 onion, diced
2 cloves of garlic crushed
1 tin of crushed tomatoes
2 cups of dry lentils
8 cups of water or vegetable stock (I used a combination of both)
1 teaspoon Oregano
1 bay leaf

Add the onions, carrots and garlic to a large pot and cook until onions are transparent. Add spices and stir, then add the tinned tomatoes. Stir then add the lentils and water/stock. Bring to a boil and then simmer for around an hour - season to taste. I think I may have simmered a bit to long mine ended up a bit like lentil stew - but it still tasted great. Next time I will experiment with adding some chilli to add a bit more flavor.

Thanks everyone for their support and kind words, it really means alot to me!

If you are interested in following my journey from the beginning please follow the links below:

My 28 day sugar detox - why im quiting sugar

My 28 day sugar detox - day one

My 28 day sugar detox day 2 - how food preperation is the key to success

My 28 day sugar detox day 3 - let the cravings begin!

My 28 day sugar detox days 4 and 5 - down but certainly not out

My 28 day sugar detox day 6 - how sugar affects the brain

My 28 day sugar detox - day 7

My 28 day sugar detox days 8 and 9 - light at the end of the tunnell

My 28 day sugar detox - days 10 and 11 - fading away

My 28 day sugar detox - days 12 - 15 - Gratitude for the Steemit community

My 28 day sugar detox days 16 - 18 - Temptation

My 28 day sugar detox days 19 - 21 - reflections and advice

