Kids and Teens Not Suggested To Be Vegan, Dangerous?

Vegans or pure vegetarians who consume only food derived from plants are done by several people. However, some age groups are not recommended to be vegan.
"I do not advise children, teenagers, young adults, let alone pregnant women to be vegan," Professor of the Bogor Institute of Agriculture, Hardinsyah.
According to Hardinsyah there is an important component for the body that can not be obtained from vegetable food sources. "One of the benefits of animal protein that is vitamin B12, in vegetable protein is baseball there is B12," he said when found in Jakarta was written on Tuesday (15/05/2018).
In fact, vitamin B12 has benefits to maintain the health of nerve cells, red blood cells, and prevent anemia,
Then, a vegan can not eat eggs. In fact, the source of food with the best protein quality comes from eggs. The presence of protein in the body is very important in the growth and maintenance of body tissues.
Not being vegan, many Indonesian children are anemic. Based on data from Health Research Association of Ministry of Health 2013, about 26 percent of children of Indonesia anemia.
If children do not eat high iron food such as red meat, seafood, poultry meat, the risk of anemia may increase.
"Eat only animal production, there are still one-third of children who are anemic, especially if it is from the age of the children are invited to be vegan, it's more risky," said Hardinsyah.
Children of anemia can have long-term adverse impact on the quality of human resources. Anemia can block blood flow to the brain so that a person is difficult to concentrate, weakness, and unproductive

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