Turmeric, AKA curcumin has been used both in cooking and medicine for hundreds if not thousands of years in India. Just in the last decade or so has western medicine acknowledged the fact of its many healing and health benefits.

I have a good recipe to share. When I say good, I mean effective. It's not very tasty in my humble opinion.

I tend to shoot it just like one would a glass of whiskey. We're going for effect, not a palatable beverage. Although It's not impossible to acquire a taste for this type of thing,
I have had commercially available turmeric shots that were fairly tasty, Although insanely expensive for what they consisted of.

I have been taking this on a semi-regular basis for the last couple of weeks due to breathing and allergy issues, and it has helped more than anything else I have tried.



•1 Tablespoon turmeric powder

•1 Tablespoon virgin olive oil

•1 Teaspoon apple cider vinegar

•1 Teaspoon fresh cracked black pepper

• 2 Tablespoons of water


•Mix all dry and wet ingredients together in a small glass and then down it.


•Turmeric has several scientifically verifiable benefits. Such as anti- inflammatory properties, improving cognitive function, fighting cancerous cells and many others. See link at bottom for more.

•Black pepper helps amplify the absorption of the active compounds in the turmeric and also has an anti inflammatory effect.

• Virgin olive oil helps smooth out the flavor while adding additional properties of anti-inflammatory, and helps with absorption since curcumin is oil soluable.

•Apple cider vinegar has anti bacterial effects, and helps regulate insulin, and also diminishes factors that conribute to heart disease.

As always, I hope you are blessed by this recipe and due your own additional research to find if this may be helpful to you.



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