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Steemit Weekly Health Challenge #4. My healthy food


Hello friends of Steemit. I want to share with you this new publication, where I will explain step by step how we make arepas stuffed with corn, it is a Venezuelan dish, which can not be missing from our table. It is a versatile and very nutritious food, for what I consider is an excellent option that you can enjoy with your family and friends. Thanks to the friend @healthsquared for this great initiative where every week performs this type of contest, and this week is about making a healthy meal and @sweetsssj for making it possible.

For the realization of these arepas, they must have at hand either a kitchen assistant or a mill, to be able to grind said corn. Many of us have seen it in the house of our grandmothers or a relative. In this opportunity we use the mill.

It should be noted that corn can be white or yellow, the result is the same, the only difference is color. It is already on behalf of the person who wants to buy.

We begin:

Step 1
It is placed in a pot of your preference the amount of corn that you want to make the arepas, in this case we use a 1 kilo. Then add plenty of water to wash the corn well. This is done with the purpose of cleaning it and making it suitable for its preparation.

Step 2
After this, proceed to place the pot in the kitchen with enough water, about 45 minutes, until the corn is al dente. It should be moving, as it is boiling so that it does not stick and if necessary add water.

Step 3
By having the corn in the desired cooking, you must strain and add water at room temperature.

Step 4
Once this step is finished, we proceed to place the corn in the mill and to grind it has been said.

Step 5
When we finish grinding all our corn, we proceed to knead it, adding a little water and salt to taste.

Step 6
Then we separated the dough into several balls to start making the arepas.

Step 7
And finally we have our arepas ready to take them to the kitchen. On this occasion, 18 arepas were produced, we only prepared 5. The rest of us can keep it in the fridge without any problem.

Step 8
READY. We already have our arepas finished, it can be filled to the taste of each person.

I hope it has been to your liking

P.D: All the photos were captured with my Samsung Grand Prime phone

Follow me@anaaliendres87