Gorgeous Natural with 4 Wonders of Rice Bran


rice husk which turned out to have various benefits for a woman's beauty. Let's find out more about this Wonder.

  • Facial Skin Exfoliating
    In rice bran, contained 17g protein that can improve the elasticity of our skin. In addition, there are also vitamins B and E, and magnesium is no less useful if applied to a woman's facial skin

  • Beautiful from the inside
    Japanese women are considered the most expert in natural beauty. Inner beauty. Guess what, what material do they believe in the affair? Rice bran answer. Easy to apply, rice bran gives us beauty by nourishing the inner parts of our face.
    So when do we want to start the process of achieving a natural beauty? If we want to start now, no need to think to prepare the rice stalks and take the skin of the arinya. Enough with one beauty product offered OSHOP with 50% + $ 10 discount, - named Moel Rizette Plus Vitamin.
    Not only rice bran, through products that already have a BPOM certificate and through this series of clinical tests, we can also benefit the extracts of other natural ingredients such as plants, flowers, and fruits. The leak: this product can whiten the face in less than a minute!

  • Brighten Skin Face
    If the rice bran is also very well able to brighten the skin, it's not weird. That's because in it, contained fatty acid called glycol-aphingolipids that resist the darkening of the skin-which is usually also called the tyrosinase process.

  • Overcoming Premature Aging
    Because of its extraordinary content, rice bran is able to intensely overcome the signs of premature aging. This bran is also an excellent source of antioxidants, especially tocopherols, tocotrienols, and oryzanol. Altogether able to ward off free radicals with the maximum!

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