Wisconsin Winter Wonderland. From fall to thaw

Earlier today I posted part one of my Wisconsin Winter Wonderland theme.

This earlier post focused on the pleasant, even beautiful sights of our winters. For the second I have chosen to introduce you to the headaches of venturing through a snowy winter.

Driving. Bound to be hazardous. Some snow storms produce anywhere from as little as 2-3 inches while the next one could bring from 8-12 inches.


Generally the road crews do a good job of clearing the main roads. And we are experienced snow drivers but it isn't always fun getting around.


At least once a season we deal with an ice storm. Driving is definitely a challenge in ice.

You might come out from work and find your winshield looking like this. Obstacle #1.


And we dodge snow shovelers, snowblowers, plow trucks and motorist who, lets say, probably shouldn't be on the road.



In this instance you can drive right off the deadend street onto the frozen lake.



And then we have snow removal. A thankless job. Often snow is fallinng behind you as you push, shove, scrape and throw snow. As home owners we are responsible for our property. Driveway, walkways, sometimes even roofs have to be cleared. Roof collapses occur under the heavy snow. We also shovel adjoining public sidewalks, pedestrian sidewalk accesses, keep a clear area around fire hydrants and keep storm drains as clear as possible.

And this is what it looks like.







I wonder by now if you are thinking this is so cool I would love to visit the US and go to Wisconsin in the winter. Or, maybe just the opposite, why would anyone ever want to live there!?

Let me know. Thank you for reading.

There will be one more post in this series showcasing icy, well, icy everything. Hopefully you will like to check back tomorrow and see what icy creations Wisconsin has to offer

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