My Grand Canyon Flashback

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I was so excited to see these pictures I took 7 years ago on one of my greatest travel experiences. It was very early on, in my health and fitness journey and boy; going up those trails was definitely a trek and you need a lot endurance.

The Grand Canyon on the Arizona side was epic. If you have been there the weather is amazing, the scenery is epic and the experience is a life-long memory.

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If I was as interested back then about taking more photographs, I would have had many more. Truthfully, I did not have an iPhone back then and I was lucky to take these shots with whatever Android I did have.

On the same trip, I did not to Phoenix and the heat there was unbearable for me. My eye sockets were almost burned out and I may sound dramatic, but it sure felt that way.

I did go to an Arizona Diamondbacks game and went to a popular Mexican restaurant that Guy Fieri showcased on Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives.

But, back to the Grand Canyon. This was a lot more enjoyable.

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Another epic view shot:

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I would love to go back and do that trip again with my fiancé and her boys. I was married to someone else and although I wouldn't take back that experience, it would be another amazing experience with Tiffany, Dariel and Jacen.

These moments are what make life worth living and this is coming from a guy who haven't done enough of it, because of missed opportunities.

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