Visite un monumento nacional muy antiguo y valioso 馃摲馃晬 / l Visited a very old and valuable national monument 馃摲馃晬


Un saludo afectivo a toda esta hermosa comunidad de Hive馃悵, en esta oportunidad les traigo la historia y fotos que yo mismo saque de uno de un declarado monumento hist贸rico y art铆stico nacional de Venezuela, debido a su valor sentimental y material incalculable; Cuenta con obras originales de artistas nacionales de renombre (Antonio Herrera del Toro y Arturo Michelena) y su fecha de inicio hasta su culminaci贸n es hist贸rica; El inicio de esta valiosa estructura data de 1580. Sin embargo, su edificaci贸n se tard贸 hasta principios de 1800 que fue cuando se finaliz贸 la construcci贸n. Se tardo mucho desde su inicio hasta finalizar su construcci贸n debido a que, durante la 茅poca colonial, se tra铆an sus partes de Europa y el aporte econ贸mico se limitaba a quienes quisieran dar dinero sumado a que Valencia, ciudad donde se encuentra este monumento. en sus inicios, era muy poco poblada adem谩s de ser una colonia espa帽ola por lo que era muy dif铆cil que una obra de tal magnitud se construyera con facilidad; Muchas guerras internas, problemas econ贸micos hicieron que se tardaran 3 siglos en finalizar su construcci贸n.

Un dato curioso y de lo cual muchos pasan desapercibidos, es que se cre贸 cerca de un antiguo cementerio por lo que durante construcciones posteriores pudieron encontrar osamentas. al principio fue creada como una iglesia parroquial, para que en el a帽o 1878... tras la creaci贸n del obispado de Carabobo (Como podr谩n observar, queda justo al lado), paso a ser de Iglesia Parroquial a Catedral (para lo que no lo sepa, la catedral funciona como sede del obispo). Mas all谩 de la religi贸n que practiques, hay algo en lo que todos coincidimos y es que en muchas estructuras coloniales no se valoraron a tal punto que hoy en d铆a muy pocos pa铆ses se dan el lujo de poseer, las constantes demoliciones para construir comercios, ha hecho que no se valore tan bonitas infraestructuras. el casco hist贸rico de muchos pa铆ses en Latinoam茅rica ha sido demolido para construir edificaciones menos llamativas y se ha perdido parte de nuestra historia, en otros casos se puede ver grafitis en edificios con tanta historia.

An affectionate greeting to all this beautiful community of Hive馃悵, in this opportunity I bring you the history and photos that I took of one of the opportunity I bring you the history and photos that I myself took of one of a declared national historical and artistic monument of Venezuela, due to its incalculable sentimental and material value; It has original works of renowned national artists (Antonio Herrera del Toro and Arturo Michelena) and its start date until its completion is historical; The beginning of this valuable structure dates from 1580. However, its construction took until the early 1800's when it was completed. It took a long time from its inception to complete its construction because during the colonial era, parts were brought from Europe and the economic contribution was limited to those who wanted to give money added to Valencia, the city where this monument is located.. in its beginnings, was very sparsely populated besides being a Spanish colony so it was very difficult for a work of such magnitude was built easily; Many internal wars, economic problems made it took 3 centuries to complete its construction.

A curious fact and of which many go unnoticed, is that it was created near an old cemetery so that during subsequent constructions could find bones. at first it was created as a parish church, so that in the year 1878 .. after the creation of the bishopric of Carabobo (As you can see, it is right next door), it became a parish church to Cathedral (for those who do not know, the cathedral serves as the seat of the bishop). Beyond the religion you practice, there is something we all agree on and that is that many colonial structures were not valued to the point that today very few countries have the luxury of owning, the constant demolitions to build stores, has made such beautiful infrastructures are not valued. The historic center of many countries in Latin America have been demolished to build less striking buildings and has lost part of our history, in other cases you can see graffiti on buildings with so much history.






















Pude tomar fotos tanto de la catedral como de sus alrededores y como pueden darse cuenta, para darle el toque de la 茅poca de sus inicios se le coloco una especie de empedrado que recorre el suelo del frente asemejando la 茅poca colonial. Adem谩s, la catedral se encuentra justo al frente de la plaza Bol铆var donde aparece una estatua de Sim贸n Bol铆var se帽alando a un monolito del campo de Carabobo (lugar donde ocurri贸 la batalla de independencia de Venezuela).

I was able to take pictures of both the cathedral and its surroundings and as you can see, to give it the touch of its early days, a kind of cobblestone that runs along the floor of the front resembling the colonial era was placed. In addition, the cathedral is located just in front of the Bolivar square where a statue of Simon Bolivar appears pointing to a monolith of the Carabobo field (place where the battle of independence of Venezuela took place).








Bueno no crean que estaba enojado por la ultima foto que colocare.. es que hab铆a mucho sol y es mi reacci贸n al sol jajaja馃槃, con todo esto de crear posts he aprendido de historia y lo importante de saberla.. debido a que muchas veces vemos estas infraestructuras imponentes pero no valoramos su pasado y lo mucho que costo su construcci贸n por completo. Valoremos y apreciemos mas estas obras que embellecen ciudades. Agradezco su apoyo constante y tomarse el tiempo de pasar por mi post :)
Well don't think that I was angry for the last picture that I will post... there was a lot of sun and it's my reaction to the sun hahaha馃槃, with all this creating posts I have learned about history and how important it is to know it... because many times we see these imposing infrastructures but we don't value their past and how much it cost to build them completely. Let's value and appreciate more these works that beautify cities. I appreciate your constant support and take the time to go through my post :)




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