Why Are They Hiding the Truth?

An Age old question which we've asked time and time again,

Why are the world powers hiding the truth from the masses?


Presumed by those with authority in this world, is that regular people cannot handle the truth. But before we delve into the reasons for the outrage of censorship in a supposedly free and open society, let's first take a closer look at blatant and highly applicable example as demonstrated to us today by the corporate tycoon Google.

Internal YouTube memo of April 2017 reveals the expressed criteria for censorship of content to be, "Controversial religious or supremacist content" and "Highly controversial inflammatory content", but as Tucker Carlson of FOX News puts it, "What exaclty does any of that mean? None of it is defined, it's totally subjective..." These facts alone make it obvious, they can and do censor whatever they want, for whatever reason they choose with no accountability toward that end.

They are preventing obviously good people with important messages from reaching the public eye, that much is abundantly clear. While they give the most twisted and irrational viewpoints center stage.

But the greatest truth is being hidden and most people are still unaware of what is happening.

America is the center stage, the biblical "Kingdom of Iron and Clay" spoken of in the Book of Daniel chapter 2, where all of the world's people are gathered in cacophony. Before it's prophesied destruction is complete, we need the perspective of watching these events unfold. So that in the future after it's fall, wise decisions can be rendered.

This is where we will see the elements of Albert Pike's script unfold in real time.

The kingdom divided, the nihilists and atheists continue to provoke great social cataclysm in "the Kingdom of Iron and Clay"!

albert-pike & prophet-daniel.jpg


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