Earn more rewards now!! - HK level system explained

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Hey Kings and Queens!

This feature has been around since many months ago but we never offered a proper post explaining it clearly, well the day has come!

Understanding the HK level system

This feature allows you to earn different layers of rewards for the same activity and the only requirement to earn these extra rewards is that your HK avatar (which works in all our products and games like BANG! Defense) must have a certain amount of XP points.

Your avatar is the key to getting access to all these rewards that go from more BUDS, EXP tokens, FORGE tokens, Avatar packs, and KEYS from BANG! Defense and more!

A pretty good example now is for sure the triple layer of rewards for the BUDS staking, to get EXP tokens on top of the BUDS you get by participating in the staking, your avatar must have more than 25500 XP tokens, and voila! you will earn EXP rewarda


The first you have to do is get an avatar, which you can get from the second-hand market NFTMART or buy a pack from our official store


Remember if you use BUDS as payment method you will get a 10% discount at the top of all other discounts.

The second thing you have to do is set your active avatar.

Diseño sin título.png

Now you're ready to roll some JOINTS (smoking joints increases the XP of your avatar)

Diseño sin título (1).png

So for example in this image, the pinner costs 0.03 cents and gives you 15 XP, once you buy them they will arrive at your inventory after 8 minutes, then you can click on them and smoke them.

We recommend, as you need a higher level to craft better joints, to contact a dealer (another player with a higher level) to craft better joints for you. Of course, we recommend using NFTMART to deal with these transactions.


So far we have deployed the following pools of rewards with the following requirements:

EXP TOKENS allows you to craft joints at 1 EXP:XP ratio
FORGE TOKENS can be redeemed at 1:1 ratio, one token is one forge
AVATAR PACKS (GEN2) contains 3 avatars of the second generation
BUDS are amazing

- 25500 EXP = Earn EXP tokens in the BUDS staking feature
- 35500 EXP = Earn EXP tokens by delegating HP to @hk-curation
- 50000 EXP = Earn extra BUDS in the BUDS staking feature

And the reason of this post is the announcement of the upcoming pools!!

- > 45000 XP = Earn EXP tokens by playing BANG! Defense
- > 60000 XP = Earn FORGE tokens by playing BANG! Defense
- > 75000 XP = Earn FORGE tokens in the BUDS staking feature
- > 90000 XP = Earn FORGE tokens by delegating HP to #hk-curation
- > 105000 XP = Earn AVATAR PACKS in the BUDS staking feature
- > 120000 XP = Earn AVATAR PACKS by delegating HP to #hk-curation
- > 135000 XP = Earn AVATAR PACKS by playing BANG! Defense
- > RAIDS are also getting EXP, FT and AVATAR PACKS without any requeriment beyond the actual raid ones.

How is this sustainable?

All the tokens that fill the rewards pools mentioned above aren't created arbitrarily but under demand. When someone spends $1 in buying joints, $1 of worth of EXP tokens is created and then divided into the different pools for the different features of the HK ecosystem, same with the forge and avatar packs.

So every single reward given in HK is backed with real demand for the asset.

Remember get an avatar, roll some joints and enjoy.

¿How to support HK development?


If you like how we are developing the Hashkings metaverse/ecosystem there are plenty ways in which you can give us a hand:

  • Leave us a supporting message in our discord <3
  • Upvote and share our posts
  • Writing posts about Hashkings (we love organic growth)
  • Upgrading water towers
  • Buying avatar packs
  • Voting for our HIVE witness @hashkings
  • Voting for our development proposal. # VOTE HERE 🔥

And of course on HIVE

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