How to live a happy life# my third blog on hive..

To live a good life one must first be happy,Because when you are happy people will be attracted to you..And anyway, it is a four-day life, why not live it well,That's why I want to give you some good tips today ... that you can live a better life,Believe it you should bring it in your life..I have brought it… three simple ways to live a better life...

1-helping nature - when we volunteer or help others, it feels good to just be of service to some peoples....

2-Be thankful- when you think of all the things that you have to be greatful for, you realized how blessed you already are, we take our basic necessities for granted,by appreciating the things you already have....

3- smile more- Always smile as much as you can and see how affects you internally As well as those around you.Smile you can always be afford also give a better smile on your face. More smile always makes you happier.

That is good life...:)

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