Doggo is 2! Late bday post of chicken strips

Happy birthday puppy dog.

Happy birthday to my amazing puppy dog. Sorry we are late it was August 6th he is 2 years old and just the bestest most amazingest puppy dog ever.

So we went to go get chicken strips and we went and played with the ball of unlimited happiness in the morning and then again in the evening. He got super tired and wore out. I think his little heart went into overload.

And then we got chicken strips of course he had to get one all by himself and was really super upset that he couldn't have it well it was super duper hot. So is really frustrated staring and whining at his chicken strip. But he got a really big chicken strip all to himself and then I shared chunks of a few others with him. And we also had JoJo's so he was super tickled at having the most bestest birthday snacks ever.

And yep he ended up having a crazy poop the next day. I think he pooped four times. I think he ended up getting really stuffed from not only the chicken strips and treats and JoJo's but also is normal food and other snacks because he was quite a popular puppy dog.

It's not every day a dog like this gets to have a blog like this.

Well we would like to say thank you very much to everyone for being such amazing Friends supporters and helping us out. We super appreciate all of love and help.

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