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Darksouls game guide part1

Hi guy.This FAQ is property of me, Marcel van den Ham, and may be not be reproduced in part or as a whole under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site other than the sites listed below or other wise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is

++++Firelink Shrine++++[firsh1]

Is that a cool way to travel or what?

Anyway, first order of business is to go to the bonfire.
Now you should be able to gain 1 level, invest it in dex. Do not use the soul
you got earlier, you'll want to use it at the first merchant, just a little
while ahead.

You should see a blue guy in front of you. If you talk to him he tells you to
go ring the bells, one in the church upstairs and one in blighttown. Basically
that's our first mission, but first let's explore.

If you go down the stairs to your left you will see some sort of prison with
the firekeeper inside. She cannot speak but if you find a firekeeper soul and
give it to her, she will upgrade your estus flask to heal better.

Go down the next flight of stairs and you will come to a lift, this takes you
to New Londo Ruins, but trust me unless you need to go to the blacksmith down
there you do not want to be there yet, in fact even when you need to go there
to proceed with the game, you don't want to go there.

So back up the stairs, you will see a well with an item, this is Humanity.
Humanity is really neat because it allows you to go back to your human form,
kindle fires, raise your drop rate, and deal more damage to foes,
Just be carefull, if you die you'll lose it, just like your souls.
The amount of humanity you have is dislayed in the top left corner of the

From the well go up the stairs and take the rightmost archway, here you will
find 6 Firebombs, basically the item version of Fireball.

The middle archway leads to Petrus of Thorolund, who, if you keep talking to
him, will sell you miracles and a talisman, teach you a Gesture, and lets you
join his covenant, the way of the white.

Go up the stairs to his right and you will come to 2 archways, if you go
through them you will come to four chests giving you 4 cracked red eye orb,
1 morning star, 1 talisman,6 homeward bone, and 4 Lloyd's talisman.

Jump down here and you will come to a skeleton infested graveyard. There are a
few good items here, but the skellies are pretty strong so we'll do that later,
just get the hell out of there and rest at the bonfire so any skeleton chasing
you will be gone.

Back to Petrus and up the stairs, now instead of going to the arches, go right
up the stairs and take the soul of a lost undead.

Now from the well near the bonfire, go towards the large tree and up the
stairs, there will be a few enemies here, just be carefull, patient and take
them out with ease. Now before you go to the item and the soldier guy in the
back, go up the stairs and take out the firebomber and axe and sword guys that
ambush you. The soldier is easiest taken care of backstabbing.

Take the soul of the lost undead. On the bridge you have probably seen an item,
you can jump the gap and get it, it´s a ring of sacrifice, but I don´t really
find it worth the risk.

Go back up the stairs and take the Soul of a Lost Undead from the corpse.

Through the door and to your left will be a rat guarding another Soul of a lost
undead, but be carefull, the rat can poison you.

If you turn around there will be an archway to your left and a closed gate in
front of you, you can't open the gate yet, so go left.

++++Undead Burg++++[undbu1]

When you go up the stairs you will be attacked by 2 guys, by now you should
know what to do.

After killing them you will see a few stacked barrels, break them and jump down
to get a Large soul of a lost undead.

Jump down again and you will be ambushed from 2 sides by 3 guys, so be

Before you cross the bridge to the right, go into the building on your left and
take the Soul of a lost undead from the corpse in the window. You can't go up
the stairs.

Cross the bridge, go through the building and be carefull of a 4 guy ambush,
take the Rubbish, this is used for trading with Snuggly, we'll get to that

Go up the ladder and take the Humanity from the corpse and jump back down to
the start of the area, cross the small bridge to your left and kill the
firebomber. Be carefull, inside the building to your left is a guy who will
ambush you so kill him too.

Cross the white light and take the Soul of a lost undead from the corpse under
the stairs, go up the stairs but don't bother trying to jump to the second
floor of the other building from here, you won't make it.

Go right and up the stairs and... Whoa what the hell? You know we're going to
kill you for that, you a******?

Well, up the stairs will be 3 guys with swords and 1 on the building with a
crossbow, take them out.

Open the door, take the wooden shield and equip it if you want, but unless you
have gotten a hollow soldier shield dropped we'll buy a heater shield in a few

Go up the stairs and into the building on your left, light the bonfire and
reverse hollowing and kindle the flame if you have the humanity, kindling will
restock your estus to 10 instead of 5 and we'll be using this bonfire a lot in
the coming hour or so. Also note that if you kindle a bonfire while online,
every player that lastly used said bonfire will get a free estus, so you are
not just doing it for yourself.

Anyway, get your dexterity up to 12 now if you have the souls, otherwise grind
for them around here.

Now go back down the stairs, take out the guys and go left across the bridge
we skipped earlier.

At the end of the path will be 2 guys with shields and spears, the best way to
deal with them is to attack once, they will block it but it will bait them
into counterattacking, if you circle them while locked on you can easily
backstab them, take note that while you are in the backstab animation, you
will not take damage, but be carefull, because when it ends it can happen that
you get attacked and don't have time to block.

Guys dead? good.

To the left of this area are a few crates hiding a stairwell, so destroy them
and go down.

If you go through the door in front of you there is a merchant who sells some
good stuff, for now at least.

Buy the shortbow, 100-200 wooden arrows, if you don't have a hollow soldier
shield, buy the heater shield and if you have the souls also buy the residence
key and the repairbox, but we can leave those 2 for later.

Equip the shield and bow, and don't forget to equip the arrows, or your bow
will be useless.

Now, go back inside the building and go left, there's an axeguy waiting to
ambush you behind a bookcase so do what you need to.

Continue through the door and at the end of the walkway there will be 4 guys,
get creative(or destructive, depending on your point of view) and take care of

Go up the ladder, take the 10 throwing knives and from here you can jump to the
second floor of the building we didn't jump to earlier, where you will find a
crossbow and some bolts, crossbows take a long time to reload, so that's why I
prefer normal bows, also a crossbow is scaled with strength(I think), normal
bows with dex.

Let's go back to the bonfire and rest so we can continue.

First take care of the guys that attack you as soon as you step out the door,
then it's time to take out our bow.

Shoot the guys on the roof that are throwing firebombs, a headshot does more
damage. There are 3 of them, but the leftmost one is a bit hard to hit so you
can just leave him.

If you move your crosshair down and to the right you will see a soldier, shoot
him once and wait for him to come to you, because inside the building are also
2 axeguys. The soldier sometimes takes one with him, but that shouldn't pose
too much of a problem.

After taking care of our friends there will be a closed gate inside the
building which cannot be opened from this side, so go left.

Go into the building to your right, kill the 2 guys and open the chest for 5
black firebombs.

Back outside go up the stairs and lure out the 3 guys one by one before killing

Now go inside the round tower, kill the sniper and go back down. If you have
either the master key or the residence key, you can open the door to get 3
Gold pine resin. This item gives lightning element to your right hand weapon,
which comes in handy for the next boss.

Back outside you have probably alerted a spear soldier so do your thing.

Go up the ladder, kill the last firebomber if you haven't already and take the
soul of a lost undead.

Go back down and lure out the soldiers one by one with the bow and kill them.

Go up the stairs, but look out, a soldier will roll down a flaming barrel so
evade and kill the soldier.

Now prepare for a semi tough fight.

Back down the stairs you will see another stair going down. At the end of this
is a black knight guarding an item.

Shoot him with your bow, then lure him back to the large open space with the
round tower. Keep circling him untill you get a chance to backstab, he will
survive so immediatly lock onto him again and throw a fireball at him, Switch
back to your axe and repeat untill dead. He will drop a Titanite chunk, which
is used to upgrade weapons, and possibly a Black knight sword or shield.

You now will probably want to go back to the bonfire and rest up which is a
good idea, also level up, put everything on strength because we need to get it
at 16 for our next melee weapon. Spend any extra souls on arrows.
The item the BK guarded is a blue tearstone ring, which raises your defence
when your HP is low, might as well equip it.

Go back to the flaming barrel stairs and into the tower.

With the master key you can open the door in front of you, but behind it is a
powerfull enemy who we can barely tickle right now so go up the stairs.

On the level with the white fog is a lizard hiding behind a barrel. Lizards
drop all kinds of titanite but disapear if you can't kill them quick enough,
so leave it for later.

Past the white fog is a ladder to your immediate right, climb it and kill the

+Boss+ Taurus Demon

Alright, go down the ladder, use a gold pine resin and walk untill about
halfway the bridge.

Big ugly will jump down, so turn around, run back and climb the ladder.

Wait untill it's below you, lock on and jump attack him.

This takes away about 50% of his HP, afterwards stand between his legs and
start slashing like a madman, he'll probably hit you once but it doesn't really

There, another boss easily taken down, you'll get 3000 souls for your efforts.

If you want some visuals on how to kill it, copy and paste this link:

At the end of the walkway is a stairs going down with 2 crates against the
wall, destroy the rightmost one for a large soul of a lost undead.

At the bottom of the stairs is a locked door in front, which can't be opened
yet, a bridge with some soldiers to the left and an open area to the right, go
there first.

Here we will find Solaire of Astora, who, if you talk to him will give you the
White sign soapstone which enables you to summon other people to help you
against bosses when you are human. You can also sometimes summon NPC's with it.

Now carefully walk onto the bridge, after a few steps turn around and run back.

It's our dragon buddy!

Ok, make sure you're at full health and run on the right side of the bridge
taking the stairs down to safety.

There are 2 doors here, first take the one with the stairs going down, kick the
ladder to create a shortcut and rest at the bonfire.

Time to do some grinding.

If you go back up the ladder and up the stairs leading to the dragon, you can
bait it into killing the soldiers for you by walking onto the bridge, just past
the first soldier and running back down. This will give you 500 souls every
time, so run back to the bonfire to respawn the soldiers and repeat.

The stats we're aiming for are 16 Strength, 14 Dex, and you might as well raise
your Vitality and endurance by 1 or 2 points too.

When you are done go up the ladder and take the other door, which leads under
the bridge. At the end is a soldier with a sword and hiding behind the wall is
a soldier with a spear, get rid of them by any means.

Once they are dead, go to the side of the bridge where you can see the dragon's
tail. If you stand next to the last pillar that isn't attached to the castle,
you can shoot it's tail. When you do enough damage it's tail will fall off and
give you the Drake Sword, pretty much the best weapon you can have at this

Take note however that it scales with nothing, the only way to deal more damage
with it is by upgrading it, which we can't right now.

If you want to you can kill the dragon now, giving 10K souls, but it will take
a long time and takes away the best grinding spot we have right now, so let's
do it later.

If you go to where the spear soldier was you will see a door, inside are 3 rats
so you can test out your new toy. Remember they can poison you, so just block
and counter.

Take the ladder going up and to your left you will see a stairs going up. On
top of it is a Black Knight, this one is a little harder to beat than the first
one so we'll take care of him when we go kill the dragon.

++++Undead Parish++++[undpa1]

Through the door on your right is a soldier, past him you can see a big boar ,
3 soldiers and 2 snipers on the walkway. 2 of those soldiers you can lure to
you with your bow, the third one will go hide behind the boar.

Be carefull luring them however because hiding to your right is a spear guy.

As soon as the soldiers are dead, go immediately right, up the stairs and waste
the spear soldier and the snipers. Then stand on the archway and kill the boar
with arrows or fireball.

One of the soldiers could have closed the large gate, sometimes it happens,
sometimes it doesn't. We're not going through it anyway. To the right of the
gate is a stairs going down and a guy trying to bait you into following him,
don't do it because you will be jumped by 2 other guys, so carefully walk in
to lure them out and take out everyone inside.

In the back of the room you can find the mystery key, so take it and go up the
hard to see ladder you just passed.

Kill the 2 guys and carefully walk across the beam to get a Large soul of a
lost undead.

Go up the stairs and through the white light, across the bridge there are
stairs to your left and a walkway to your right, go right first.

Carefully approach the knight and backstab him, with the drake sword it should
kill him. If something goes wrong and he notices you just use the basic block
and counter. Watch out when he raises his sword though, that means he will
parry and riposte which hurts, a lot. Anyway, take the knight shield, go back
and up the stairs.

To your left will be a spear soldier waiting to ambush you so kill him.

Go through the door, walk outside and go left, quickly take out the knight and
turn around. Now kill the spear soldier and continue.

Out on the walkway take the first left and you'll be behind the closed(or not)
gate. Take the basement key and halberd lying here and carefully approach the

There will be a knight running at you, lure him outside and backstab him.
Take out your bow, shoot the second knight and kill him too.

While you were sniping the second knight, you probably saw a really big knight
in the back of the room, lure him out with an arrow and kill him, just don't go
through the door because a third knight is waitng to your left to ambush you.

After all enemies are dead, run to where the big knight was and take the
Firekeeper soul, just know that on a walkway above you there will be a sorcerer
casting soul arrows at you.

From the firekeeper soul go right, kill the 3 soldiers and cross the bridge
into another building.

If you go down the stairs you will come to a bonfire, light it,rest at it and
if you have the humanity reverse your hollowing(if nescesary) and kindle the
flame, don't use your souls for levelling though, the hammering sound you hear
is Andre of Astora, a blacksmith, who is downstairs. Repair any equipment and
buy at least the repairbox. Andre now sells arrows too.

Grinding time again.

You probably saw that Andre also sells the Crest of Arthorias for 20K souls.

Go back to where you just came from, kill the 3 soldiers, then go left across
the walkway, backstab the knight, kill the spearguy, go to the large area
behind the gate, kill the 3 knights inside the building, go back to the bonfire
and repeat untill you have enough souls.

Now go to Andre, buy the crest and go through the door near him.

This ugly thing can be beaten real easily(although cheap) by standing behind a
broken pillar in the middle of the room where he can't hit you but you can hit
him with manual aim. He drops a Demon titanite and can also drop a titanite
catchpole altough this never happened for me.

++++Darkroot Garden++++[darga1]

As soon as you enter, go left. You'll see a walking tree like thing coming at
you, don't let them grab you, just block and counter. It should go down after
3 hits. These guys have a fairly high drop rate of moss clumps, different
colors heal different status changes, like poison.

When you kill the second tree look behind you, you'll see a glowing flower on
a hill, go there.

Now go right and go down the winding path, try to kill the lizard and keep
going down untill you see an item on a cliff you can jump down to, do so to get
the longbow, some feather arrows and the leather armor set.

If you have 14 dex. equip it and the armor if you want. Now use a homeward bone
to go back to the bonfire.

Get back to darkroot garden and now walk to the end of it with the glowing sign
on a door.

Before you open the door using the crest you bought, hit the wall to the left
of it revealing a bonfire, kindle if you have the humanity.

Now, if you open the door, you will see some guy standing in front of you,
don't try to fight him. Alone he's pretty strong and his friends will join the
fight early on.

What you want to do is run past the guy to your left untill you see another
guy, then turn right, a third guy will drop down, now turn around running back
to the stairs, you should also have alerted a fourth guy.

Instead of running up the stairs, go to the edge on the right, stand close to
the wall and wait, all 4 of them should jump to their deaths from the stairs
above you, giving you 7000(!) souls. Do this as long as you want/dare.

If you have trouble doing this with my crappy description, there are plenty
videos on YouTube showing how to do this.

We have just found the second best grinding method in the game that I don't
consider cheating, there is a better one and I will mention it when it becomes
available, but like I said, it's cheating.

In patch 1.05 these guys are far less dangerous than they were and can now
easily be defeated by fighting them, it takes a little longer, but is safer and
more faultproof.

From here on out I will not tell you to grind anymore, if you need souls for
buying or leveling, just go here. I will however point out decent grinding
opportunities whenever we get there.

Now back to the game.

++++Undead Parish++++ [undpa2]

Go back to the area where the firekeeper soul was, if you enter from the door
with the 3 soldiers, you will see 2 gates, 1 open 1 closed, this is an elevator
back to firelink shrine. Step in the open gate, touch the floor button and get
out again unless you need to rest, from now on this is a shortcut.

If you look to your right you will see a stairs going up, go there but be
carefull of the knight, lure him down and kill him.

Go up the stairs and through the window you can see the sorcerer that was
annoying us earlier, just shoot arrows through the window to kill him, he
shouldn't be able to hit you.

Now be carefull, if you enter the large room you will be ambushed by many
swordguys so walk in a few steps, lock on to the first one and walk back,
either blocking and countering or fireballing them, whatever works best for

Once they are all dead, go left twice, kill the knight, when the path starts
turning left you will see some planks with light shining behind them, slash
through them and up the stairs.

Here you will meet Lautec of Carim behind bars. If you picked up the mystery
key you can free him. Now you can either leave him there so he will show
himself out or you can kill him giving you a Ring of favor and protection.
It's a nifty ring which raises your hp, stamina and max equipment load,
but I advice to let him go, we'll get a chance (and a real reason) to kill him
later anyway. If you don't do anything he'll get out, but he won't reward you
after beating the next boss.

Go back down, continue the path you came from and slash the barrel with the
corpse in it to get a humanity.

Go all the way back to the large room where the ambush was, go straight through
the door and take the large soul of a nameless soldier.

Back to the large room, go left twice again, follow the path and prepare

+Boss+ Bellfry Gargoyles.

If you are going for the platinum trophy I suggest doing this in 2 stages.

The first rum just go for cutting of it's tail, take the Gargoyle tail axe and
quit to the menu, reload to get right back before the fog.

If you didn't kill or otherwise aggroed Solaire(the knight who gave you the
white soapstone), you can summon him here. Do so and if he survives he will
give you a Sunlight medal. You are going to need 10 of these to get a miracle
from the sunlight warrior covenant.

Anyway, here's the strategy.

From the start keep moving, he has a confusing jump attack that can let you
throw youself of the roof if you're not carefull.

Just get close, bait him into doing an attack, get behind him and attack.

This way he'll go down pretty quickly, just beware after about a minute his
buddy shows up who will start breathing fire.

Just stay focussed on the first one, stay cautious but aggressive and take him
down. Repeat for number two and this fight should end without too much

If you have Solaire with you, the strategy remains the same, but although Sol
won't do a lot of damage, he will provide a good distraction to make the fight
even easier.

When the gargoyles are toast you'll get 10000 souls if you did it alone or
5000 souls and a sunlight medal if you did it with Sol and he survived.

Here's a link on how to beat those goofballs.

There is nothing on the sides of the tower, so go in and climb it. When you
reach the top you will see a lever, pull it.

You just rang the first bel of awakening, nice going!

Go back down and talk to the creepy guy that has arrived, this is Oswald of
Carim. This guy can give you absolution for sins you may have committed against
covenants, the cost is high however (2000 souls x your current level), but if
you anger an NPC, this will stop them from being hostile. He does sell some
good items though, the miracle Karmic justice, some rings and most importantly
right now, purging stones.

  • Ultimate_Finale wrote: after patch 1.04 the cost for absolution will only
    be 500 souls x your current level, so creds to him-

The rings and miracle are probably way above your price range, but aim to buy
at least 1 purging stone, Ozzie sells them for 3000, the only other merchant
that sells them asks 6000 and trust me, if you get cursed you´ll want one asap,
so just buy one.

Head back to the Firelink shrine.

++++Firelink Shrine++++ [firsh2]

Go towards where fhe firekeeper is and give her the firekeeper soul if you
haven't already, this will upgrade your estus. Near her, you will see Lautec
sitting on the floor, talk to him to get 1 sunlight medal.

++++Undead Burg++++ [undbu2]

When you're done, go into the Undead Burg, to the bonfire there, if you haven't
picked up the residence key from the merchant yet, do so now, go up the ladder
and towards the bridge with the dragon. Remember the door we couldn't open
earlier, on the bridge? We now have the key, so open it.

Do so and go down the ladder, here you will see 2 staircases, one in front and
one on the right, go right first and open the gate at the end, you should
recognize the area. This is another shortcut.

Go back down and take the other stairs, here you will be attacked by 3 dogs,
don't fight them on the stairs, you can't swing your sword, instead lure them
back to the open area and just block and counter. These bitches can poison you
so be carefull.

Doggies dead? now go down the stairs and make a right U-turn and stand near the
door without a round top, with the residence key you can open it and save
Griggs of Vinheim. After beating this area's boss he will be at firelink to
sell you sorceries. If you roll into the barrel with the corpse, it will drop
the sorcerer's clothing set and a catalyst.

Step outside and go left. At the end of the path will be 7 guys with torches,
kill them all and take the twin humanities, this is the same as a normal
humanity but gives you 2 points of humanity when you use it.

Turn around and go the other way. There will be a cart in the middle of the
road, go past it but beware, when you pass the second door to your right, you
will be ambushed by 3 thieves, they are fast, hit hard and can throw knives at
you, oh yeah, they can also poison you.

This sounds like a lot, but they are no match against the tried and tested
block and counter, when they come out, just run back to behind the cart and
they should come at you one by one. Hah! who ambushes who here?

In the first building to your right you will find a mail braker.

Continue following the path but be carefull, another ambush is just ahead, 3
thieves and 2 dogs this time, just be defensive and patient, wait for an
opening and take them out.

To your left is another corpse in a barrel, this time dropping a large soul of
a lost undead. In the second builing to the right is the black leather armor
set, a pretty decent set, so equip it.

Now, before going through the fog and confronting the boss, first go right just
before it, to create another shortcut.

The boss can be pretty nasty if you have run out of luck, and you don't want to
repeat the last few ambushes again.

Go down the stairs, but before going down the last one, take out your bow and
snipe the thief. Afterwards, be carefull, another one is hiding behind the left
corner, show him what we do with cowards like that.

When they are done for, don't go up the stairs yet, go to the end of the
hallway and take the large soul of a lost undead.

Go up the stairs, inside the tower, do the same, take out the archer and head
through the door.

To your right will be a merchant, she does not sell a lot of interesting
things, but she does sell purging stones at 6000 souls each, she will also sell
you 1 humanity if you want. If you have some spare souls, also buy poison
arrows, 40 to 50 should be fine.

Turn around and open the iron gate, you probably already know where you are
right now, so if you need to rest, do so and head back to the boss gate.

As you go up the stairs to the fog, the 2 dogs will attack you. kill them,
make sure you're at full health and go through the fog

+Boss+ Capra Demon

This fight can be fairly easy or just plain annoying, making you want to throw
your controller at the tv screen.

The biggest problems here are the small room and the 2 dogs he brings with him,
which need to be killed asap.

Ok, now for the strategy.

As soon as the fight starts Cap will come at you, 1 dog comes at you from the

Run a little to the right I'd say at about 30 degrees, when he raises his
blades, roll straight forward, the second dog will come at you from either the
front or the right.

The timing to roll without taking damage will take some tries to learn, but
even if you do get hit, it's not over yet.

As soon as the roll ends, take a hard left towards the stairs, about halfway up
turn around and lock on. Cap walks pretty slow, so you should lock on to one of
the dogs, which should be right behind you.

Block and counter, taking care your sword doesn't hit the wall. Both dogs
should die with a single swipe.

Those were the first 5 to 10 seconds.

If you get through this in one piece, the rest is plain sailing.

You can either take Cap on one-on-one, circling him and attacking his back
after a two-handed swing, don't do it after a one-handed swing or he will
probably counter, leaving you at his mercy, and he doesn't show any.

Another, safer, approach is to use the stairs.

Lock onto him, always having your shield up, he can hit you from nearly
anywhere, and walk onto the stairs all the way over the arches as far as

Now he will do one of two things: He will try to jump you from about halfway up
the stairs, miss usually, he can sometimes hit you, so keep your shield up.
Then when he is stuck on the floor jump attack him.

Another thing he might do, is go up all the way towards you. If this happens,
jump down, lock on, and wait for him to jump down, slash him twice and get back

Repeat untill he's dead.

As you can see, the first few seconds will determine the outcome of the battle,
as soon as the dogs are gone the worst is over so just stay calm, get rid of
the dogs and waste this bastard.

After it's over and you are dancing through the room you will get 6000
souls and the key to the depths.

Here's a video on a very close call (and showing how much out of practice I am
right now)

When you are done celebrating, go back out the room, down the stairs and to the
door you probably saw when creating the last shortcut.

++++Depths++++ [depth1]

When you enter, go down the stairs, you'll see a guy waiting for you in the
distance, don't run to him, because hiding behind the stairs you're on is
another one waiting to ambush you.

Carefully walk in, lure them out and take them out. In the back of the room is
a third one who will come at you too.

After killing them turn around and take the large soul of a nameless soldier
from the side of the stairs.

Go forward and go through the door, under the stairs is a sword guy waiting for
you, a torch guy in front of the stairs and three guys are hiding on the
balcony behind a pillar, again lure them out one by one and kill them.

In the back of the room is a final guy hiding behind a pillar, do I still need
to tell you what to do?

If you approach the stairs you will see a dog waiting for you, lure him up and
teach him how to play dead.

Go halfway down the stairs, if you aim your bow manually, you will see another
dog guarding a chest, and a butcher hacking something, shoot the dog, kill him
and engage the butcher. Use standard big guy tactics against him. (circle,
backstab when possible and if you have it relock and fireball) He should go
down easily.

Open the chest to get a large ember. This is used to upgrade weapons, if you
give this one to Andre, the smith near darkroot garden, he will let you upgrade
your weapons past +5, it also lets you upgrade your +5 weapon to a raw weapon.

If you go through the door behind the butcher you'll come to a ledge with a big
rat down below, arrow it to death if you want. On the other side is the spider
shield, you can get there by walking across on the right side of the room.

Now, homeward bone out of here and from the bonfire make your way back to the
room where the butcher was.

If you walk back to the stairs you came from you will see a pool of water with
a dog in it, kill the dog, go down, kill a second dog and a sword guy.

Go up the debris on the other side and go left into a room with a lot of
barrels. In the back of the room you will see someone trapped inside a barrel,
roll through the barrels to free him, don't use your weapon, if you hurt him he
will turn hostile and you lose your only chance to get one of the most usefull
pyromancies in the game.

This guy is Laurentius of the great swamp, a pyromancer just like us. After
beating the next boss he will be at firelink to sell pyromancies.

Turn around back into the hallway, start running and when you can, go right. A
butcher will have come after you, I guess he doesn't like the fact that you
just freed his next meal or something, anyway use the same tactics as with the
previous one and get rid of him.

When he is down, go through the door at the end, and down the stairs. To your
left you will see an item, don't try to take it yet. Instead take out you bow,
go into aiming mode and look up, the blob thing on the ceiling is waiting to
jump you, so start shooting, if it grabs you, you're as good as dead, so kill

The fight will probably have alerted a torch guy, so kill him too. Now take the
soul of a nameless soldier and move on.

When you reach a room with a torch guy in the back, look up, there are 6 blobs
on the ceiling, so start shooting.

After they're gone, kill the torch guy, and open the door with the master key.

Thank god, a bonfire. Light it, reverse hollowing if needed and kindle the
flame, it might also be a good time to repair your gear.

When you're done playing with fire, go back out, kill torchie, and go right.

See the big rat? He can't hurt you here, but we will have to deal with him at
some point, just go straight.

The rats to your right are fairly docile, so you can just go in and kill them,
take the greataxe, turn around and go the other way, be carefull, a rat will
jump out the crate in the corner, he should have stayed in there.

Again a pack of rats down the stairs, kill them, turn around and take the soul
of a nameless soldier you see in the distance.

From here, go right, through the fog, down the stairs is a sorcerer and 3
giant rats, so take them out killing the sorcerer first.

Down the stairs to the left are 2 crates with rats hidden inside and a dead end

-Several people have e-mailed me that in the corner at the dead end is a Large
titanite shard on a corpse, I don't know how I could have missed it, but creds
to them-

so go right. Kill the rat, go through the door and take the second right,
carefull there's a hole in the floor before the soul of a nameless soldier, so
jump over it.

If you go straight you will reach the room with the big rat, I usually shoot 1
arrow to draw it's attention and then play hide and seek throwing fireballs
from the hallway, now take the sewer gate key and the soul of a nameless

Slide down the waterway, in the hall to your left you will see a frog like
enemy, These are very dangerous as they spew a cursing mist. If you get cursed,
you die and afterwards your hp will be halved, get cursed again and you hp gets
halved again, the only cure is a purging stone. I have never gotten cursed more
then once at a time so I don't know how far the cursing goes and if you need
one purging stone to cure all, or if one stone just cures one curse.

Anyway, take it out. If you turn around after killing it and go back to the
hall you started in you will be attacked by 3 giant rats and if you are human
you'll get invaded by Kirk, just kill him using backstabs, he's easy. You'll
get 5000 souls and 1 point of humanity for beating him.

Continue the path to the right, go up the stairs and you'll end up in a room
with 2 blobs and 2 rats and a giant gate to your left. Don't go there yet,
instead take the stairs in the back to the right, open the door and follow the
path, you'll have created a shortcut back to the bonfire, so go ahead and rest.

Now, I know this guide doesn't cover the entire sewer area, but the only item
that might be worth getting cursed over(the part I skipped is infested with
frogs) is the ring of the evil eye, which gives a little hp back for every
enemy you kill, but you don't need it for anything, there's not even a trophy
for collecting all rings, so if you desperately want it, you're on your own for
this one, but keep in mind that it's not as good as it sounds.

Go back to where you came from and proceed towards the gate, but instead of
going through it go right through the archway. When you can, go right again,
follow the path and go down the stairs, go right again and near the stairs you
should see a summon sign if you are human, this is sol, behind the same pillar
is the sign for lautec, if you freed him back in undead parish. You know what
this means, a boss is coming up, but don't summon them this time, their AI is
too stupid to do it properly and makes the fight take longer than needed.
Besides, they won't survive anyway, so you won't get a sunlight medal.

Take the heavy crossbow with heavy bolts at the end of the path before going
down the stairs, go down the stairs, through the fog and face...

+Boss+ Gaping Dragon

This guy looks pretty mean, but honestly, it's one of the easiest bosses in the
game, it's quite tough and takes a while to kill, but also really stupid and
easily manipulated.

Put away your shield, you don't need it, and take your weapon in two hands for
extra damage.

When the fight starts, just stay where you are, it should belch out some yellow
smoke and drop to a prone position before rushing you. This is what we want it
to do the entire fight.

Get out of it's way and wait untill it stops, it will stay still for a few
seconds which is your cue to lay on the hurt. Hit him a few times, 3 or 4 at
most and then run away like a little girl getting a good distance in between.

This will cause him to spew smoke again and start rushing. Repeat untill dead.

As this is a dragon enemy, the first priority however is to cut of it's tail
giving you the dragon king greataxe. this also takes away it's nasty tail

The last thing to watch out for is his jumping attack. When hit dead-on, you're

When the fight is over you get 25k souls, the key to blighttown and you can
pick up the hard leather armor set.

For another visual, check this link:

Before we head into Blighttown however, let's do some prep work and tie up some
loose ends. Head to Firelink Shrine.

++++Firelink Shrine++++ [firsh3]

When you get down the stairs, you'll see Griggs, the sorcerer we freed just
before fighting the Capra demon. He will sell you sorceries if you want them.
If you free Logan later, Griggs will stay here for the rest of the game.

From the bonfire, go under the arch and look left, here you will see
Laurentius, he's our BFF now because he sells pyromancies, including iron
flesh, make this your first priority because after beating Blighttown's boss
and showing him a new pyromancy from the Chaos covenant he will dissappear.
He will also upgrade our flame, take it all the way to +15, this will cost you
roughly 140k, but you will need it before beating Blighttown's boss to get the
final pyromancy near the end of the game.

Anyway, buy everything he sells and upgrade your flame, attune iron flesh at
the bonfire and get an extra slot or replace fireball with fire orb.

Talk to Petrus, the miracle guy and his crew to find out they will be going on
a quest soon, don't bother buying all his miracles yet if you haven't, he will
be back.

Take the elevator and go to Andre, the blacksmith.

++++Undead Parish++++ [undpa3]

Talk to Andre and give him the ember when asked, now you can upgrade your
weapons further, although you probably don't have the materials yet.

Anyway, buy the armor and weapon smithboxes so you can do some upgrades
yourself at a bonfire and upgrade your bow to at least +5.

Now, go to the merchant at Undead Burg.

++++Undead Burg++++ [undbu3]

Buy as many standard arrows as you can from this guy, aim for 999, and equip
them. You can equip 2 types of arrows at one time so theoretically you could
always have 1998 arrows ready to go. Now kill him.

Seriously, kill him, before we run out of arrows, we will have found a better,
easier to reach merchant and this one drops the uchigatana sword, not that it's
very usefull or anything but at some point we will need it to create a weapon
with a boss soul, so let's just get it over with and be done.

He also drops 1 humanity and the orange guidance soapstone so you can leave
messages if you play online, you'll also get a staggering 50 souls for doing

Do you remember the dragon on the bridge? Guess what's next.

That's right, he's gonna pay for all he has done to us. Go up the ladder at the
bonfire and go to the lower part of the bridge.

Kill both the soldiers and take out the rats in the small room ahead too, just
to be safe.

Now, go stand on the left side of the door as far to the left as possible, take
out your bow and aim for his head, he will react by going onto the bridge, here
you can shoot 3 or 4 more arrows at him, depending on your aiming skills.

That's pretty much the whole fight. when his hp drops enough however, he will
start to heal himself. When he starts shaking his head with his wings in front
of him you will know he's healing, taking his health back to about 75%. It may
look like you can't kill him but at some point, usually after 3 or 4 times he
will stop, so just be patient and keep shooting. It might also never heal.

-I have been recieving more e-mails than I can handle about this strategy being
patched out, I have just tried it out for myself in patch 1.05, and it works
just fine. So the people having trouble with this, sorry, but you just had some
bad luck with its healing habits. All the people I told they needed to melee
it, sorry to make it harder on you than necessary.-

Here's a link to a video I made proving it can still be done.

Take note, you HAVE to be OFFLINE for it to work.

Easiest 10k you ever made right?

After the dragon is gone, go inside where the rats were, Remember the Black
knight we skipped? Now it's his turn. Go up the winding stairs just before
Undead Parish, cast iron flesh when you're nearly at the top and take your
sword in 2 hands, have fun!

He will drop another titanite chunk, and might drop a black knight greatsword
or a black knight shield, go back to the room before the bridge.

Go up to the bridge, take the claymore and the soul of a nameless soldier.
Light the bonfire and open the gate if you want, this leads to Undead Parish,
but we don't have any business there right now.

To the right of the bonfire is a balcony with some non-agressive guys, kill
them if you must. See the statue with the huge spear? This is where you can
join the warrior of sunlight covenant, but only if you have 25(!) faith, you
will get a miracle for joining, a miracle for giving them 10 sunlight medals
and a miracle for giving them a certain boss soul, check the miracles section
for info on this.

Pick a bonfire and level up with your "hard" earned souls and head back into
the sewers and Blighttown.

++++Blighttown++++ [bligh1]

Before you open the gate into Blighttown, there is a merchant sitting on the
floor on your right, he doesn't sell a lot of interesting things, but the
bottomless box is something you might want to buy. It lets you stash away items
you don't need so you can keep your inventory organised.

In NG+ He will sell you The armor used by the final boss, defence wise it sucks
but it has the best curse resistance in the game.

After opening the gate, go to the left, along the ledge and down the ladder.
You will come to a wooden walkway with another ladder to your left. Don't go
down yet, destroy the junk in front of you and take out your bow.

See the big guy with the club downstairs? He's fairly easy to beat, but you can
easily fall of the ledge here, so just snipe him, he can't reach you here.

Now, go down the ladder, but walk slowly, a little ahead are 2 more of them,
just snipe 1, wait for him to come running, turn around and go halfway up the

If you go all the way up, he will follow you all the way and you have to snipe
him like you did with number 1, if you go only halfway up, he will fall of the
ledge somehow. Repeat with the third one.

When they are done for, carefully walk forward, you'll see some pinkish guy
waiting, he has a lot of friends hiding behind him, I think there are about 6
total, so take your bow and lure him to you. These guys are fairly tough, but
can be easily beaten by simple block and counter, just be carefull when it
squats and hisses, this means it's going to jump you with a grab attack which
really hurts, if not kill you.

At some point during this there will also be a guy spitting darts at you, these
things cause 'toxic' status, a nasty variety of poison, that can only be cured
with a blooming purple moss clump, luckily these guys don't respawn after
killing them.

-If you picked up the spider shield back in the sewers, the spider shield
negates the toxic status. This tip was sent to me by someone who wishes to stay
anonymus, but creds to you anyway.-

When all pinkies, including the ones accross the bridge, are dead, go to where
the spitter was standing, down the ladder there are two more pinkies, take them
out and go to the end of the walkway, take the soul of a proud knight, turn
around and go back up the ladder.

When you cross the right bridge, it wobbles a lot, but it never crashed down
on me, so I don't know if it can. If you cross the left bridge you will see an
item across a gap, this is the Iaito blade, it's not very usefull or needed for
a trophy, so don't take the risk. If you really want it though, there is a
beam sticking out of the walkway, run on to the beam and jump at the very last
second to make the jump, this is however a shortcut to the first bonfire, but
you will miss out on a very usefull armor set.

On the plateau where the pinkies were standing, there is a ladder going down on
the left side, don't go down, go to the right of the hut, follow the narrow
path and jump down to the shadow set.

In terms of defence, this doesn't offer much protection, but it has the highest
poison resistance we can have so far, and we'll need it so put it on.

I don't know about you, but I always want to start doing izuna drops and UT's
when I'm walking around in this...

Anyway, don't go down the ladder to the left, but jump down in front of you to
get a soul of a proud knight, then, jump down again to the left.

Walk forward and destroy the wooden thing and take yet another soul of a proud

Go left and from the plank sticking out between 2 poles, jump to the lower
walkway, be carefull as there will be a pinkie and possibly some fire breathing
rats to bother you.

Kill them and go left to light the bonfire, from here I won't tell you to
kindle anymore, you probably already figured that out for yourself a long time

Turn around and go up the stairs by the hanging torch, unless you want his
souls, leave the potted pinky, and kill the other one, if you look down from
here you will see the fire breathing rats, you can shoot an arrow from here so
they will suicide, since they can be difficult to hit.

You will have alerted another pinky, so kill him too and follow the path.

After the stone walkway are 2 more pinkies and a spitter on top of a tower.
Sometimes the spitter suicides, sometimes he doesn't, there's not much you can
do about it now, so just keep moving and take out the pinkies.

When they are gone, move forward and hide from the spitter behind a large
wooden pillar near a ladder. Down and to the left you will see some big thing
guarding an item, take it out from here with your bow.

Go down the ladder and go right, try to go down the next ladder so you lure
pinky down there up to you, then run into the alcove with the soul of a proud
knight and take out pinky and the other one you just alerted.

Instead of going down the ladder, go back to the previous one, turn around and
go down the ladder where pinky 2 came from, turn right and go up the long
ladder to where the spitter is, kill him.

Walk across the walkway and go into the cave on the right, 2 more pinkies here,
deal with them and follow the cave to the item the big thing was guarding, it
is the power within pyromancy.

Go left ignoring the spitter from down below, who guards an eagle shield, it's
not really worth the trouble of getting it, so I'm not going to.

When you get to the large soul of a nameless soldier, cast iron flesh and take
your sword in two hands, kill pinky and the big guy and follow the path.

When you go down the ladder you will see an item on a platform you can jump
down to, it's the whip, take it if you want, otherwise go through the fog, both
routes end up in the same place.

Now things will get nasty, the path is straightforward, only one route to go.

Take out the big bugs as you go. When you come to a platform with a beam
sticking out, and a wooden wall protecting from a spitter, walk onto the beam,
drop down and head to and take out the spitter. Hiding behind a wall here is
the wanderer clothing set and a falchion, whatever you do don't lose this, we
need it to create the weapon we will use untill the end of the game in the

Continue your route down, at some point you will come to an island in a lake,
from here ignore the enemies and start running keeping an eye on the right for
a cave with a bonfire, finally.

From the bonfire, head into the cave, in the back is a chest with a dragon
scale, use this to upgrade your drake sword.

Back at the bonfire, go outside, turn right and kill the bug, if you are human,
you will get invaded by Maneater Midred, kill the mosquitoes with your bow and
just backstab the hell out of her, you get 8000 souls, 1 humanity, 3 humanity
items and a butcher knife for this.

To your right, in the back, you will see a white/brownish hill with trees, this
is where the boss resides, but before that, let's do some side trips while we
are down here.

If you go right, you will see torches on an island, on that island is a slope
going up. Go there and climb the ladder.

Step on the elevator, and at the top get off, climb the ladder to your left
and instead of climbing the next ladder, go around the left.

Keep following the path, killing bugs, untill you reach a corpse with the
crimson clothes and the tin banishment catalyst. Also open the chest with
the remedy sorcery.

Go back to the ladder we skipped. Climb up and follow the path untill you reach
a corpse with a soul of a proud knight, from here go around the path, killing
spitters as you go, then take the ladder down and kill all rats.

Take out the final spitter and his rats in the alcove to your right, then take
the Firekeeper soul.

If you go back to the start of the 'spitter alley', you'll see a ladder. Take
it up and follow the only pathe you can take, all the way up to a chest with
the key to New Londo.

From there, move forward and take out the 3 giants one at a time and go
outside. Cross the bridge, take the soul of a nameless soldier and open the

You now have created a shortcut to New Londo Ruins and from there you can
easily make it to Firelink if you want. Head back into Blighttown.

From the bonfire, go left this time, past the island we originally came from,
to a giant branch, near the end of it you will see an item down below, jump
down and take the green titanite shard.

Get back up the branch and inside the tree. Take the plank shield from the
corpse, and slash your sword to destroy the fake wall to the left of it.

Open the chest with the twin humanities, and again destroy the fake wall behind
the chest.

++++The Great Hollow++++ [greho1]

Just follow the path to reach the bonfire, here do your thing and equip the
crimson set, this has the second highest curse resist in the game and there are
a lot of frogs coming up.

From here just follow the branches down, ignoring all the items you see
scattered around, they require jumping and falling to collect and it's nothing
you can't obtain otherwise.

Just keep going down, killing the frogs as you go, but be carefull not to get

When you are near the bottom, the branches will become mushrooms, just keep
going, ignoring the enemies.

When you go through the fog, you will be at...

++++Ash Lake++++ [ashla1]

If you look to your left you will see a 7-headed monster called hydra (I tought
hydras had 9 heads). If you look right you'll see a bonfire, go there first.

You can take on the hydra now if you want, it's not that hard. Stand at the
edge of the water and wait untill it drives its heads into the sand/ash,
missing you completely. Now start hacking its heads one by one to take them off
and eventually kill it. You'll get 10k souls and a dragon scale for it.

But there is an easier way, just run past it, keep running picking up the
dragon scales as you go all the way to the back of the area, just be carefull
you don't fall into the water, you will drown.

In the back of the area you will see another bonfire and a huge dragon, this
is the path of the dragon covenant. Upon joining you will get the dragon eye,
and the dragon head stone. If you go behind the dragon and cut off its tail you
get the dragon greatsword.

Now, back to the hydra.

When you return from the dragon, the hydra should be waiting for you, turn
around, rest at the bonfire again and when you go back, the hydra should be
going back too. At some point it vanishes, giving you the 10k souls and dragon

When you reach the area with the clam type enemy, just past is is a dead tree
you can go up. Kill the frog at the top, but don't go in, instead look down to
your right, you will see a small piece of wood sticking out between two roots.
This leads to the Great magic barrier miracle - creds for this go to whoever
posted it on, wouldn't have found it without, thanks-

Aside from some easy to see item collecting, there is not much more we can do
here, so go back to the bonfire in Blighttown.

++++Blighttown++++ [bligh2]

From the bonfire, go right, when you get to where the elevator is go to the
first pillar you see, sitting on the left side will be Quelana of Izalith,
another pyromancer( if you haven't upgraded your flame to +10 she won't
appear). Buy everything you can from her and let her modify your flame to a
stronger version too. Make Great Combustion a priority however, it's one of the
most usefull and powerfull pyromancies in the game.

Now talk to her a few times and when she starts to repeat herself, go to the
bonfire and rest, return to her and talk again.

Repeat this untill she asks you to kill her mother. We were going to have to do
this anyway at some point, might as well get an extra reward out of it. I will
inform you to get it when the time comes.

If you can't buy everything from her and upgrade your new flame to the max.,
don't worry about it, our next main objective is to collect an item that will
allow us to warp between bonfires so she will be easier to reach, although this
is going to take some time.

From Quelana, go a little forward and right to get a Large titanite shard, this
allows you to upgrade your weapons from +5 to +10, but you'll need to modify it
to +6 at Andre first before you can do it yourself.

Head to the island with trees, but stay on the right side of the lake, on the
left side are stone throwing giants who you don't want to mess with.

++++Quelaag's Domain++++ [quedo1]

Just walk forward towards the fog, ignore the 2 egg-covered dudes, they won't
attack you and when you kill them they will spawn annoying worms, so just leave

Go through the fog.

+Boss+ Quelaag

Too bad for the lower part of her body...

When the fight starts, she will jump you and breathe lava, don't step in it.

The easiest way to fight her is to just get close and bait her to do her sword
attack, if you get to the right of her spider face up against her, she can't
hit you, after the first strike, attack a few times and wait out her next move.

If she stops moving completely, back off asap, she will do an AOE attack which
hurts, get your shield up to absorb some of it.

When she raises her legs, back off too, she will stomp the ground.

She will also spit lava around the area, while she is spitting, this is
another good time to do some damage, just be carefull you don't get surrounded.

If the part of the area you are fighting is getting covered in lava, just go
somewhere else, it's a large room with a lot of space to move around.

You'll get 20k souls for beating her and the soul of Quelaag, whatever you do,
DO NOT USE IT TO GET SOULS! Especially this one, because with the falchion we
got earlier, and this soul we will create the weapon we'll use for the
remainder of the game.
This not ended
I try to another
Thanks you all of my friend image
