Happy Hour with @ats-david - July 27, 2017


Welcome to Happy Hour!

In typical bar or restaurant tradition, this won't actually be one hour. In fact, it will be much longer than one hour.

It'll be 24 hours!

You might be asking yourself, "What's this all about?" So let me tell you...

My Happy Hour will be all about being positive, since it has gained so much popularity in recent times. Positivity movements, plastic smiles, endless compliments, sunshine and rainbows, puppies and kittens...you know the drill. But what does that have to do with me?

Well, this post will serve as my contribution to the roses-and-butterflies-and-baby seals perspective of life. And here's how it works:

1. Leave me a comment about any topic you want to discuss or about anything for which you would like a compliment. It could be about your pet, your new car, politics, Steemit, the weather, NyQuil ingredients, or your African safari.

2. I will do my best to respond with something positive.

And that's it.

Please note that if you do not receive a response from me, it's likely that I could not find something positive to say.

If everything goes well, this could become a weekly series.

So, what do you say? What do you have to say? Give it a test and see how you like it. What's the worst that could happen?


Image courtesy of @mynameisbrian

Follow me: @ats-david

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