I wanna my daily dose of #Happiness. Starting from the end..

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How important is it to be happy?
Everyone has their own answers. But one thing we have in common: the constant search for something that can make us feel good. We all look for our little piece of happiness.
What is happiness? And what it means for you? Images and ideas are flocking your mind but it's not easy to give an answer, isn't it?
Happiness, this stranger!
So we run the whole life behind something without knowing what it really is.
It's a great risk: we risk never finding it or aren't able to recognize it.
But there are no alternatives. We need to take the risk and put ourselves in search of everything that can give us happiness.
But there are no alternatives. We need to take the risk and be on the pursuit of happiness.
Following the only rule: never ever surrender to negative thoughts.
Every day we arm ourselves with patience and dazzling smiles that start from the heart and come to the mind to show us the little special things that our eyes aren't able to see.
According to Michael Fordyce there are attitudes and thoughts that people can learn to be more prone to happiness. The researcher has drawn up a list of 14 points that characterize happy people from those who are not.

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By implementing these behavioral daily practices, a change in the person's belief is encouraged. In short, we can train ourselves to become happy as a gym for our mind.
I don't want to list all 14 positive behaviors to practice, only the last one that I think it's the fundamental: #14. Make happiness your number 1 priority.
How can you achieve happiness if you don't give it the right value?
It's essential considering happiness as a priority in everyday life and its achievement as the greatest occupation.
Being trapped in negative thoughts and mistakes of the past, leads us away from reality, let's face the failures living them for what they are without generalizing but by linking the events to their context.
The past is the past, it's time to get back into the game using all our resources and I assure you they are enough to go straight to the goal.
Thought habits must not last forever so we can learn to be optimistic, opening us to the learning of new cognitive abilities. And You? Are you ready to learn how to have positive thoughts?

If you are interested in knowing all the other positive behaviors to achieve your happiness, keep reading my posts, follow me, leave your comment and maybe even a like.
If you can't wait in the references you can find all the information on this theory.
Thanks a lot for reading, I hope my words are useful.

  • Fordyce, M.W. Journal of Counseling Psycology, 30:483-498. A program to increase happiness: Further studies. Read more.
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