Do I Like Stewpid ?

I regret to inform you earth people that after 20 odd years of dining out and paying my own check I have complained about food for the first time.. I feel a bit dirty and certain I became the arrogant westerner that can't see that he dwells in a land far from the origins of stewed meat and potatoes..

But, I assure you all zero fucks were given when I pulled a "Karen" and asked to speak to the manager. My wife was horrified and the table next to me was unable to keep from giggling at my description of actual stew versus this flabby, flavorless concoction of nothingness placed before me.

Pork leg stew with braised pork, potatoes, broccoli, carrots and a rich broth served in a clay pot was the verbatim description. I recall such things because, guess what I've done every job conceivable in the food and beverage industry during my decades of experience..

Nary a potato! A flat amazingly bland watery broth despite the fact that there was one sliver of actual meat and the rest was all sinew,fat and bone.. The quarter oz of pork meat was boiled away to an oblivion as was the single 1/8 teaspoon of broccoli. There was what I estimate as one button mushroom sliced as thinly as imaginable so as to confuse me into thinking I had anything resembling a meal in front of me. There was 2 slivers of carrots and the star of the show was the half bottle of Tabasco sauce I dumped on this pathetic excuse for pork stew. That's all folks!

With surgical precision I extracted the tiny morsel of pork from the bone that overwhelmed my small clay pot and realised that for the first time ever ever ever in my life I had to say something to the manager..

I am in no way exaggerating when I say this was the worst food I've ever had in Klang and for the price I could have had delicious and filling pho or bak kut teh with a drink and rice.

In the end I got a free beer out of the ordeal and got inspired to write this review for all to see on Google.

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