The joy of working with hand tools

One of the (few) long-lasting benefits of having a secondary modern school education was being taught woodworking and metalwork skills.

My grandfather had a shed devoted to such undertakings, even including a lathe!

As time went on I moved into more academic fields, graduating in the 70's in Computer Science, and then a life in offices of various sorts.

But I always kept a toolbox, that kept getting bigger - as every new task needs at least one new tool! Then eventually we had property, and then I had a shed that eventually became a workshop I could fill with tools!

Over the years I've acquired a few power tools, a drill, a sander, and something that cuts wood a bit faster than a handsaw; but I still reach for the hand drill, sanding block and the saw more often than not.


It's the satisfaction of still being able to follow a pencil line (drawn with a woodworking-square, across a piece of wood) with a handsaw and get it pretty well right.

Then, sand the edges.

Then, fix it to something else with nails or screws.

And then end up with this.IMG_20210113_155114.jpg

I put it one a wall of the house and a blue tip moved in within days.

Job satisfaction!

Then I did a feeder.


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