Half Life 3 Confirmed?

Steam (no, not Steem, the other Steam) has just announced they will be shipping games again.

“Hooray! Valve’s going to start shipping games again.”

Gabe Newell - Valve

This is really big news in the gaming industry as Valve is responsible for many iconic games that defined gaming history.

  • Half-Life
  • Counter-Strike
  • Portal
  • Team Fortress
  • Day of Defeat
  • Left for Dead
  • Dota 2

Valve is also responsible for the Source engine used by many popular games like Gary's Mod and even modern games like Titanfall and Titanfall 2. At the time, the source engine was a major breakthrough in gaming development and allowed smaller organizations and even hobbyist develop 3D games significantly faster.

Although Half-Life 3 development has not been announced, this is the closest we have been to it being a reality. Gamers around the world have been dying for a conclusion to the Half-Life franchise and the idea of it being released has turned into a giant meme. Gamers analyze every Valve announcement for signs of Half-Life 3 in some hidden message. When and if Half-Life 3 is announced, it will likely be with a huge PR campaign and fun and playful hinting. Valve is well aware of the insane amount of anticipation for the next and likely last game in the Half-Life universe and will likely take advantage of it.

It has been 14 years since the last Half-Life game. Every year or so there is some event or announcement that turns into a "Half Life 3 Confirmed" meme.


Gabe went on to say the reason Valve is getting back into game developer is jealousy for Nintendo control over both the software and hardware behind their games. Valve has already released a custom controller for their games that target games that support controllers and more importantly games that don't. If a game doesn't support a game controller, the controller has the ability to map keys to its controls to provide seamless game controller support.


“Five years ago, we didn’t have electrical engineers and people who know how to do robots,”

“Now there’s pretty much no project in the hardware space that we wouldn’t be comfortable taking on. We can design chips if we need to, we can do industrial design, and so on. So that added to that.”

The controller is unlike one in existence with the unique touchpad controls and is something you either love or hate.

Half-Life 3 is not the only thing that has been turned into a meme sensation. Gabe Newell has been idolized by Gamers and has long been the center of endless memes. Gabe comes across as a very likable and kind person, and many of his actions have shaped his reputation.

For example, an employee was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and announced he would need to leave his job. Gabe's response was to offer extended leave with pay and said "Your job is to get better. The is your job description at Valve. So go home to your wife and come back when you are better." I got goosebumps just typing that.

Gabe is also behind the annual Steam sales that offer massive discounts on popular games and is an exciting time for Gamers.



The event was mostly to announce their new game Artifact and not Half-Life 3. You can watch his announcement (19 mins) here:

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