Hair oil remedy


Spruce up the hair. Green color in if from natural plant body of pure added with mineral oil in modern though to produce original to its (its (the) can produce or black hair. Grow hair and hair. Cooling the head of anti-dandruff hair easy to set natural look one of his hair oil in the damba kan by the Muslims. Suitable for all Asia

This is the most famous hair oil in my area back then. And this is the first hair oil in my area so can be sure all our parents must have used this hair oil. Because indeed if we use this hair oil must be our hair good. And it will be Black and long hair is the long hair is called rabong hair stamp oil and its efficacy we can immediately feel it as well and until now the children in my village still use this hair oil and its fragrance is very fragrant can hold up all day




This is the most famous hair oil in my area back then. And this is the first hair oil in my area so can be sure all our parents must have used this hair oil. Because indeed if we use this hair oil must be our hair good. And it will be Black and long hair is the long hair is called rabong hair stamp oil and its efficacy we can immediately feel it as well and until now the children in my village still use this hair oil and its fragrance is very fragrant can hold up all day


Cieeee some do not stop this because of its gentle hair after wearing the hair oil hahahaha




Thanks #follow me @amranamrozi

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