What is Hacking? Hackers Types?

imageHy Friends, Today I am going Tell you about What is Hacking? Types Of Hackers? So Let,s Start. First, I am going to tell you about what is hacking?
Hacking is a technique by which a person gain unauthorized access to data in a computer or system or a mobile phone.
In this hacking definition, the person who attacks on any system is called hacker.
There are many types of hackers but in this post, I am going to tell you about famous types of hackers you should know about. image1)White Hat Hacker
2)Black Hat Hacker
3)Grey Hat Hacker
1.White Hat Hacker:
White Hat Hacker, also known as ethical hacker, is a good person which use their computer skills to improve security by getting vulnerabilities on any system and also trying to fix them.

2.Black Hat Hacker:
A black hat hacker is not a good person.He attempts to find computer security vulnerabilities and exploiting them for personal gains or for dangerous reasons.

3.Grey Hat Hacker:
Grey Hat Hacker is a person who is a computer specialist. He find vulnerabilities on any system and exploit them.But He has not a purpose to harm them.He did this for only fun.

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