The humanity of Habitat for Humanity

My newest interest is Habitat for Humanity. It is a Christian organization that helps build and remodel homes for people.

I have been volunteering on Saturday mornings in Phoenix Arizona. I am very excited because I started my experience and the first day of the build for Stephanie's home.

There are certain people that come out each week and then other volunteers that rotate each week depending on the company or group that signed up to help that week. It is amazing to see the community support. The other thing that I really like about Habitat for Humanity is that Stephanie, the homeowner, is there each week working on her home. Her teenage daughter often comes too. Her son is too young to be on the construction site. He was there for the ceremony.

Last week we had a little down time while things were being measured out on the 2nd floor. Stephanie and I talked and I learned more about her life and story. Wow, she has been through so much basically being on her own since she was 11 years old. In addition to learned so much about building a house I am learning more about the people on the construction site and that really brings the humanity to this project.

One the first day of the build there was a very nice ceremony and then the people from Habitat for Humanity gave us all markers and encouraged us to write blessings for Stephanie and her family on the walls. The man said that even though the saying will be covered that Stephanie will know that those blessings are all over the walls of her home.

My favorite time during the week is now Saturday mornings. It is such a special opportunity to help someone and learn so much at the same time. In my next post I will talk about the things I am learning about building a house.

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