The wedding etiquette

Wedding is one of the main events during which, even today, most people pay close attention to the label. Knowing, therefore, the etiquette of marriage becomes indispensable not only to organize the event, but also to live in harmony all its moment, avoiding hindrances and discontent.


Participation and invitations are one of the essential elements of a wedding, as they manage to say a lot about the wedding in their few lines: style, materials and characters can make you understand if it will be an event more or less formal. They must be shipped at least three months before the date set for "yes", and must indicate on the outside the address of the addressee, which must be handwritten with an elegant line. Inside, on the other hand, you can easily rely on printed characters that should not be black but, preferably sepia or grey.
In addition to relatives and friends, we should remember all those couples who had invited the groom or bride to their marriage, while they can be excluded from the day ex-girlfriends, relatives at a distance or various colleagues (especially in the case of large companies).

The guests

Once received the participation, the first duty of the guests is to communicate as soon as possible to the bride and groom whether or not you intend to go to the wedding, in order to allow them a better organization.
As for the clothes to wear ladies will have to avoid some colors such as white, reserved exclusively for the bride, black and dark purple, considered more suitable for mourning and, in some cases, also the bright red, offending to attract too much attention diverting her from the real protagonist of the day. Recommended, therefore, the blues, the most neutral colors and pastel shades that should always be worn with socks and never have too eye-catching necklines.
As far as gifts are concerned, they should be chosen directly from the wedding list, even if they don't get in the way: only in this way it is possible to follow the needs and requirements of the bride and groom, making them a welcome gift. Only those who are familiar with the couple and their needs can, if necessary, afford to make a different purchase.

The bride and groom

The bride is accompanied to the altar by her father: she is the last one to enter, punctual, preceded in advance by all the guests (who must already be seated) and the future husband. There are no rules too strict for the dress that, however, must always be good taste and not vulgar: the gloves can be worn, but not in church, while in the case of a second wedding should not be used veil.
Throughout the entire marriage, the two spouses should talk to the various guests, turn between the tables and greet them before their departure, while during the photo shoot the latter should not be abandoned to themselves but entertained by their parents, specifically the mother of the bride. The favors (all the same except those of witnesses) that are commonly delivered at the end of the event, should be delivered to the various correspondents twenty days of the wedding: but it is a comfort and custom that is, however, accepted by the label.
The etiquette, finally, imposes that within a year of the marriage (but much better within the first months) the bride and groom thank the various guests for the gifts received by them.

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