Hello everyone!
We are present, greenland is a group of young people who have decided to exploit the empty farmland in western Sicily to create organic gardens that families can adopt to eat healthy and support our initiative.

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In addition to the gardens we have 7000 aloe plants that grow lush on the hills of Gibellina in the Sicilian hinterland.
Our mission is to educate people on good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle that respects the person and nature!


being able to get in touch with nature today is very difficult and we are trying to make these moments possible even for those who live in the city!

On this page we will talk about the products of our gardens, the benefits that various kinds of fruits and vegetables give to our body and good cuisine as Sicilian tradition, we will get to know many delicacies that our land offers!

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So stay tuned! we see on the next post :)

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