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gravity has it’s way

i do not want to be bound to no man, no government, no rulings — but unfortunately somewhere in the tree of life we are. a roadblock, a restriction a dictation of how things should be proper and just. morally correct, water tight.

when you float along in life like a dainty paper weight ship in a tide of turmoil and rising energy prices you kinda just spectate like a train traveller looking for signs of upturn and sparkle.

gravity has a weight to it.
at least it feels that way for me.

ever since interstellar it certainly has, especially when we think of time.

a slow hum repeater white noise signal to navigate with until the next boundary is crossed into and the rules of the game change again.

you can choose to take that route or feverishly try to stick your hands in and paddle backwards slowing the rate of descent into the obvious decline.

i’ve been chomping at the bit to get back to writing even if it’s just for shorter periods of time, especially alongside an AI that can create the vision and visual elements of the blog post for me, it feels like a shared space, bubble memory we can co-exist within.

it’s a comfortable place, the unknowing eye of an algorithm ready to spit out a dream based on your prompt, it feels shared.

compliance is so suppressing, so intoxicating, debilitating even. ..

…and yet everything is in balance too when you toe the lines that someone set before you, after all those might be build on generational thinking, form and flow uniquely placed like pebbles across a river to minimise the time to cross instead of the long way around.

are we hurtling forward or are we just here right now.

you can certainly feel the presence of those around you that would rather keep you hemmed in like a compliant sheep with the frenzied dogs around to keep you inline and pack format.

you know you are designed for much bigger things that the here and now, others and requests fall by the wayside and you wake up walking down a red carpet of exclusivity to your hopes and dreams, doors open, stars align, you reach the right place.

adaptation is like a super power, you are adding to the greater good, whilst creating a vulnerability for those trapped in the darkness below who gave up and gave in that they were not destined for more.

community is such a pseudo term these days. i don’t see people coming together on mass, maybe little packs of shared intention, working for the family, but not for the area, i think areas have become closed off and muted, like a suckling pig with an apple in it’s mouth at the capitalist dinner table of abundance.

but i’m happy to be well awake thou and celebrating in the small wins, the tweaks and changes, the eyes wide open to the environment around me. To not have broken off too much which now needs that course correction but instead gives me time to build, to build in connectivity to tackle the latency of a world in flux.

so much to say and converse, so much to add and listen to in conversations, a shared kinship with the challenges we have on the daily. the aim for fairer distribution and understanding, to hold close and dear those we love, to assist them to higher heights and to build in living conditions that support clarity and good mental health.

feeling very monday on a tuesday. that’s a nice change, instead of the week just taking off at speed and waking up mentally on a friday where we do everything all over again, having foundations that provide time carving like massive shards of ice formation to rise and fall with a crashing sound as it’s place is replaced by more advances of time.

time for me to down tools and remove the bubble boundary around me, back into the main timeline of this mortal meat sack character and see what the wider world requires of me today, i know i have a meeting and some adaption to do, some moment engineering as my partner loves to call it that i do.

You gotta make those time pockets! :)

humble x