Small world it is!

There is something in everyone that needs to be salted and watered and nourished. Without these additives, that something dies. I used to believe that that something lay in the jol/rave or, the drink and smoke or, the car and bike. Thirty three years ago I Iost all of those things-including myself-and the journey of seeking begun. It took nineteen years before I found it and I pray that it will not take you similar seekers as long. It is found in service; in charity; in humility; in giving all of oneself; in expecting nothing in return; in chasing nothing but the light of love and truth and losing oneself in the service of others. Many great ones over the eons have led the path and if we all would take a co-ordinate from their road map, we would become so much quicker the person we-don't actually know we want to be-but would become. Because, when embarking on this course the way is mapped out but, there are many detours and red herrings which, whilst are a part of the learning curve, tend to bring much trepidation and anguish too. The secret is to follow the leader and He is the one, the only one, who knows the only true path to enlightenment and nirvana. He it is, who we all once knew; He it is, who we all praised and shouted our joyous concurrence when presented with His plan in the pre-existence; He it is, who is the only true shepherd we can truly rely on. He it is I now finally know and trust explicitly with all of my heart, mind, and soul. Any guesses to who I am referring? I believe that you all know who but that many of you are still in that arcade which distracts and lures away from this place and peace I have now come to know over the past fourteen years. I knew it fifty years ago, as a young boy, and then fell for the broad highway-the one which looks so right and attractive-and, as I hinted at, it then took me 36 years of falling and crashing before I eventually gave up to the His all-encompassing kindness and love. I write this little article to obey and heed my, not so new but, oldest friend who has watched over my every step for fifty years and, as long as I continue to try my best to follow His course, will continue to lead and watch out for me for all time and eternity! I thank Thee and I love Thee, my true and everlasting friend.

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