

Good day steemians,I invite you all to celebrate with me as I just crossed 3 milestones in my steemit journey.

  • 4000 POSTS
  • 300 SP

It's been a sweet and rough ride,all the same I give God the glory for bringing me this far and I really appreciate all my followers and fans that have made this journey fun,I can't thank you enough.

In the mood of celebration, I would give out 10 SBD to show how grateful I am.

  • 1 SBD goes to @dianargenti whom presented as my MOST LOYAL FOLLOWER.
    I didn't even need the site to confirm this as she has been a dear and loyal friend from afar.
    Dear @dianargenti I don't know how we became friends, it just happened, I wish I could get the date so I can bless that day and always celebrate it. I don't know why I deserve your love but you have been highly supportive, you celebrate my victory as yours,you love to show me off. There was a day I visited your page and thought it was mine cause my post was everywhere, I can't thank you enough darling, I want you to know that I really appreciate you and have you at heart, one day we will surely meet and share those hugs and kisses we give out on post alone. You deserve more than what am giving now,someday I will make it up. I love you dear

  • 1 SBD goes to @eurogee who happens to have made the highest comment on my posts and one of my top followers. I was shocked when I saw this, my boss being my top follower, this shows that he is a true leader,I feel so honoured.
    Dear @eurogee, words fail me,I am proud to have you as my boss,you have been so supportive, you are the top financial contributor for my show TGIF WITH @jeaniepearl,you never fail to resteem weekly, you added me to your autovote but still take out time to read and comment on my posts, what more can I say? I have studied and observed you so much, aside from your good deeds to me you are the peoples man,loyal and selfless. My prayer for you is that you get all you need to flourish cause once you are blessed, everyone around you is blessed. Keep being you and never give up on your dreams.

  • 4 SBD is going to your beloved and best Steemit TV show TGIF WITH @jeaniepearl, stay glued and win,kisses.

  • 4 SBD is going to my followers that will participate is a simple but quite silly task.


This task is for my followers only,you are free to become one winks. 4 SBD will be shared among all that participate now by 12am tomorrow.
Tell me what you like about my blog, if I was to concentrate on only one niche what would you like me to concentrate on. Tell me how I can improve and what you think am not doing right as a reply to this post then drop a comment on one of my post other than this.

Big thanks to my followers,thanks for your inspiration so far,I love you all. There would probably be a monthly reward for the most awesome people, keep being you, thanks again, kisses

Big thanks to @amec for getting me that lovely avatar, I wasn't even expecting it. You are a darling dear and life is more enjoyable with a lovely friend like you, I love you dear

Thanks for reading

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