3 things I'm grateful for.

This past weekend I had the opportunity to network with about 100 of the most truly amazing men I've ever met.

And while most of the weekend was geared towards business success, the overall theme seemed to me to be recognizing all of the abundance that life has to offer.

And one of the most life changing ideas that I walked away with is also the simplest:

The last thing you should do before going to bed every night is to write down three things that you're grateful for. And each night needs to be three different things. No repeats!

While the first few nights were rather easy, as days go by I find it harder and harder to come up with ideas.

But that's exactly why this exercise is so powerful!

It's easy to say that I'm grateful for food, water, clothes, family, friends.

But when you run out of basic necessities you're forced to look more deeply into your life.

You start looking beyond superficial things and you start recognizing that there are literally thousands of reasons why life is amazing.

I challenge you to try this exercise yourself for the next three weeks and see if there are any changes in your outlook on life.

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