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I'm grateful for more of my sisters! :D

Fixing the lace on my older sister's sleeve before she walked down the aisle

I have a lot of siblings to be thankful for! I'm thankful for my eldest sister. We two are the oldest in the family and I was three years old before our brother came along. It seemed like a long time. Our eldest has always taken her place very seriously. She is a person who looks out for the welfare of the people around her and notices a lot about them. She is a very comfortable person to be with, and you feel like your character is safe in her mind, and if she believes in you she will always believe you are good, even when telling you that something you're doing is bad. She loves deeply and is very loyal. She is wise and thoughtful, and somehow says what I'm thinking clearly and succinctly more than I can. I appreciate how long she has been like this for all of us, and I appreciate her choice of husband. He has added a lot to our lives, and while married to him my sister has only gotten better and wiser and sweeter. I look forward to seeing their life.
