Joy Discussion Paper

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For my first discussion paper, I was required to write about the movie Joy. Joy is a drama/comedy movie about a young woman named Joy Mangano, who dreams of creating and selling her own inventions. Joy is based on a real life person and her life in business. Joy has designed multiple new inventions throughout her life but she never
attempted to advertise or sell them until now. Joy lives with her kids, ex husband, father, mother, and grandmother while she works as an airline ticket clerk. Joy is in debt and her whole family is struggling financially.
Joy is overcome by emotions due to her living situation so she takes her anger out on a new invention. Joy’s new invention is an extra-absorbent mop, with a detachable head, that she plans to bring to the market. Joy came up with the idea for her product one day when she was mopping up spilled wine. She hated having to touch the mop to ring it
out and she hated how often you needed to soak the mop in water.
Joy started the design on her daughter's drawing paper and then went from there. Joy showed her design to her close relatives to get their opinion. Her relatives give her mixed opinions on her design but that didn’t stop her. Joy ended up taking the product to the market anyways. Joy starts off advertising her product to people in her community and then expands on from there. Joy uses all of her money on her product and she even borrows money from her family to help her. Joy is an entrepreneurial movie because the main character Joy creates an invention and brings it to the market. Joy struggled along the way with her partners in business, but she ended up being successful all on her own. Even after she failed multiple times, she would get back up and try even harder than before. She put every last penny she had into this project and she wasn’t taking no for an answer. The main people who were against her business were her family, her sister was jealous,
and her parents didn’t believe in her, they were constantly ruining things.
Joy kept trying even when everyone was against her. Just like with her family, joy didn’t have much of a relationship with her society. The first few times joy presented her product to her society, She got no response from them. Many factors in her life contributed to the reason her
society didn’t pay attention to her, like her career, social status, and money problems. Joy needed another way to get their attention so she starred in a commercial that advertised this product. Joy was able to reach so many more people this way and she ended up selling around 50,000 mops. This movie does a good job of shining light on the relationship between entrepreneurship and society.
Joy found a need for her society and she found a way to fulfill that need while also benefiting herself.The need in joy’s society was for a long lasting and easy to use mop. The movie shows how Joy looks to her society for materials to make her product and then she relies on them to buy her product. Joy gives back to her society by creating jobs in her business which ​​exchanges their labor power and skill for wages or salary.The movie also shows how their was a need for a product in joy’s society and how she found a way to fulfill that need. An entrepreneur and their society don’t always have a positive relationship, and that is shown in this movie. At the beginning of the movie, Joy was not benefitting
from her society because they were not purchasing her product.
Although the society was not benefitting Joy, the society was
benefitting from her. The society was benefitting from Joy because she was purchasing materials and products from them for her Business. Without help from her society, Joy can’t give back to her society. This negative relationship quickly changes once Joy was
able to get a commercial on TV for her product. Once Joy got her product on TV, the relationship became positive for her because people were purchasing her product. The society
was also benefiting even more because Joy continued to buy more and more materials from them. Once joy’s business was succeeding, she was able to open up job opportunities for people in her society.
By giving her society job’s, Joy was able to benefit from the extra labor and skill. Because of the new job opportunities, Joy is now providing her society with economic growth. This movie also shows how quickly an entrepreneurial and society relationship can change. Joy’s company went from no sales, to 50,000 sales, then back to very low sales in a matter of days. The entrepreneurial and society relationship Is constantly changing and expanding or collapsing. Although the relationship is always Changing, Joy was able to keep it positive for the rest of her career. At the end of the movie, Joy continues her business by giving entrepreneurial opportunities to people who were just like her when she first started her business. Joy is giving these new entrepreneurs money and resources so that they can contribute back to society. Joy has now created a new relationship by benefitting entrepreneurs, who benefit their society, and then their society gives back to them. Joy now acts as a society for other entrepreneurs by using her materials to benefit others. Joy is now considered An infomercial titan because of her life in business. I learned a lot about the society and entrepreneurial relationships in the world by watching this movie. I also learned about how important it is to never quit in the entrepreneur world. If you continue to give up every time something goes wrong, nothing will ever go right. Another key takeaway that I got from this movie is that it's not the smartest idea to get into business with family. Your personal judgment is always clouded when working with family. I really enjoyed watching this movie.

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