Wall Street

Mason Bailey
December 7, 2022
Discussion Paper: Wall Street
describe this aspect in the movie (what happens, with whom, why is it entrepreneurship/entrepreneurial)
In the movie “Wall Street” a man named Bud Fox tries to find a way to become big in wall street, so he heads to the top dog himself, Gordon Gecko, to try and get even an interview with him. After an absurd number of calls unanswered, Bud decided to show up on Geckos birthday with a present he couldn’t refuse not to take, some illegal Cuban cigars. After giving these to Gecko, Bud finally was given the interview he wanted. After the interview, Gecko stated that he would consider Bud and would let him know. After time went by, when Bud returned, Gecko gave him some capital to work with. With this capital, he made bad stock investments and lost money. Gecko gave him another chance but only if he spied on an investor. He does so and in return, Bud becomes rich and collects his honey pot. Gecko gave him all Bud could ever want all as bait so Bud could grow Geckos on profit and interests. Bud was still hesitant on his role in wall street and was unsure if he was fit. Gecko saw this and used a flattering type manipulation by telling bud he had what it took to claim a spot in his office, but did he have what it took to stay in it. This in result, drove Bud to achieve higher stock sales. Bud eventually convinced the unions to let him buy BlueStar Airlines to expand his and Geckos’ company. Since Gecko had a large number of shares in the company which allowed him to make decisions without being a big corporate name. Bud learned this and found out that Gecko was going to try to sell BlueStars assets to gain hold of the company's pension plan. Bud, being outraged about this information, tried his hardest to block Gecko's plan. Eventually, Gecko had to sell his stock in BlueStar. This gave Bud the opportunity to meet up with the union leaders and set a plan to buy BlueStar with the intention to save it. Gecko had heard that one of Bud’s “co workers” had bought a very large amount of shares of BlueStar, which had him thinking that Bud was part-taking in inside trading. He told the police and the day after Gecko found out, Bud was arrested for insider trading. Bud met Gecko in a park to confront him about turning him in but Gecko Punched him before he could say a word. While this meetup went down, Bud was wired so he could get as much evidence from Gecko that he was behind the whole airport scheme. The movie ended with Bud and his father driving to the court and talking about how this was the best outcome for what Bud had done; and that the airport will forever remember Bud for what he had done for them.
To be an entrepreneur means to follow the line of high risk to high reward. With who Bud knew and how he let them either benefit or destroy him, he succeeded in his promise to his dad to save the airline. This is entrepreneurial because he used his resources to achieve his goal.
discuss why it is interesting
I believe this movie is interesting because of how Bud used his resources and connections to build up to where he was, just to have it crumble at his feet because of one bad connection. No matter who you know or how much you trust someone, anyone can screw you over.
elaborate on the interaction/relationship between entrepreneurship and society from the perspective of the movie how does this aspect of entrepreneurship affect society? How does society affect/stifle/support this aspect of entrepreneurship? What is the interaction between this aspect of entrepreneurship and society like?
The relationship between entrepreneurship and society in this movie relies on how workers that worked at the airline would’ve reacted when losing their jobs. That airport could potentially be a big income area for a lot in that general neighborhooding area. Would that community go through a short poverty because of how many jobs were lost?
Society affects entrepreneurship by being able to buy the stocks and invest in the brokers that sell to them. They invest so brokers can make more money. Brokers then invest that money in other companies and shares to which, society can buy more shares and stocks.

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