Wall Street 1987

Wall Street 1987

1.In the movie Wall Street the main character is this guy named Bud and he is a stock trader for a company in New York City. He is a junior trader but has the ambition to be with the top guys so he is very persistent in pursuing a relationship with a famous and good corporate raider named Gordan Gekko. When he finally gets his chance to interview with Gekko and present his ideas, Gekko was unimpressed with his initial ideas because he already knew the information that Bud knew. Determined to get Gekko as a client, Bud gave him insider information about his father’s company. After that Gekko takes Bud under his wing and teaches him the ins and outs of stock trading and the tricks he was showing him were illegal.
The main plot revolves around Bud and Gekko trying to buy Bud’s father’s company. Little does Bud know but Gekko had no intention of restoring the company but instead he was going to liquidate it and sell off its assets. When Bud found out about this he decided to go against Gekko and come up with a plan to save the company that involved leaking information that Gekko was going to buy it then inflating the price really quick then all of the sudden drop it really fast to make Gekko sell at a loss and have Gekko’s rival buy up the stock at a discounted rate. This got Gekko mad and he informed police that Bud had been insider trading which got Bud arrested. Later on he meets Bud at the park and he assaults him and reveals a lot of their illegal dealings which Bud got recordings of because he was wearing a microphone.
This movie is entrepreneurial because it goes into the ethics of business and how not all people have them. It also shows the unseen of when Gekko was going to liquidate the company, all of the people who had jobs there will have to go find another place to work and that all of the sold airplanes would benefit other airlines which would lower costs/provide more flights due to having more airplanes.
2.I find this interesting because some of the top business people aren't always the most ethical. Granted Gekko isn't selling a product to anyone, he was only doing this for his own sake and his own profit. It’s also interesting how tricky it is to get out of it once you are in an unethical situation because now people have information that could lead to your arrest and even worse your reputation/company reputation is ruined. It also seems very easy to find yourself with a decision whether to be ethical or unethical because usually being unethical will lead to more money and sometimes you get offers from people you trust like your friends like what Bud did to his college friend.
3A.In the movie being unethical (which was the main aspect of entrepreneurship) affected society in a couple of ways. One way was that Gekko had an unfair advantage over his rival and other people buying stock which could cause them to lose money. Another way was when he did buy a company and either changed policy or liquidated it, a lot of the workers would have been affected by the changes either having to work more or not have a job at all. It was just an unfair advantage to society as a whole and no one knew about it.
3B. Society affected the unethical ways of Gekko by causing him to lose millions of dollars at the end of the movie. When everyone banded together whether they knew it or not they affected the price per share so drastically that it caused Gekko to sell at a loss.
3C. The interaction between Society and entrepreneurship was interesting because at the end society had cause him to lose millions of dollars but who's to say that Gekko didn't already take millions of dollars away because he had knowledge that society didnt know which would cause them to not invest in a company after he bought a lot of shares because the price per share would sky rocket and that is the unseen in his unethical ways of trading because he dont see the profit that could've been had by normal people if Gekko knew as much as everyone else did.

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