Dallas Buyers Club

Dallas Buyers Club

1.In the movie Dallas Buyers Club we see that in the beginning Ron lives this crazy lifestyle and it ultimately catches aids from one of his experiences. He only finds that out when he goes to the hospital on a work related injury and when he hears the news he is in disbelief and doesn't care. When he goes back to his normal lifestyle he sees a calendar and it reminds him about the 30 he has left to live. He begins to take these pills called ADT which was advertised as an aids medicine but it actually did more harm than good. He then found a doctor who was demoted from the title of doctor because of some research about aids medicine and he found something that helps more than anything else on the market. The only problem was that it wasn't FDA approved and they stripped his doctor title. When Ron tries them out and continues to take them he sees that they are helpful and he passes the 30 days. He then decides to take a lot of those pills back home and start to sell them to other aid patients. While doing this he enters a partnership with this one transgender guy named Rayon. Rayon helped get exposure to the gay comunity where the most costomers would be. They shape their business around seeing memberships instead of the actual pills because then it would be illegal and also the pills which were not FDA approved so they could not be considered a drug so they wouldn't face charges of that. After a while of selling the memberships they get busted by people advocating for ADT and on the FDA board. This movie is entrepreneurial because he saw an opportunity in a market that needed something different. It also shows us the regulations that happen even with a semi underground operation and how it forced them to comply with the norm. 2.It is intresting to see how he was at the beginning of the movie living a wild life and on the verge of suicide once he knew his situation was dyer to then finding a way to help his situation and doing research and also wanting to help others get better who were in his situation and seeing the persistance he had even though there was a lot of messy regulation things they had to figure out. It is also interesting to see how sometimes the regulation people just don't have common sense. For example on paper, ADT was considered the best medicine for aids and it also made them the most money but if they actually just looked at the patients who they were giving it to then they would see that it doesn't work whereas if you looked at Ron and all his patients, they were doing a lot better because of the medicine they were taking from Ron. 3a. Ron’s business affected society by giving people another option then the one they were forced to do with the doctor's advice. He gave the market optionality because he brought in a high valued option to people who didn't have it in the first place. 3b. Society affected Ron’s business by forcing the regulations on him and tried to shut him down. Regulations are both helpful and necessary but at the same time hurts optionality and usually prevents major innovation to a market or product. The FDA in the story was a big burden because it could take years for a drug to get approved and by that point all of the people who were trying to approve it would've died. The FDA could also get stuff wrong like the ADT medicine. 3.C the interaction between Ron’s business and society was interesting because one part of society loved him because he was helping them with their AIDS disease and prolonging their life even if it wasn't proved officially to work it was still working on them. You also had to FDA and the people at the hospital wanting to take him down because he was taking away customers from them which means less money for them and it was going against FDA standards because they had not approved it but overall he was doing a good thing because he was helping people.

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