They say it can't be done

Certain individuals believe that certain things should not change, to Entrepreneurs, this is just another challenge to find new ways to approach specific problems. Every group or organization listed in the movie was trying to take a step forward regarding innovation, whether its 3D printing body parts or new cells or even finding ways to process meat without actually having to kill or harm the animals. The last discussion in the movie was talking about “Sea Farming”, this can be viewed as taking a step back with innovation but continues to make more and more sense the more you focus on the goals the group is trying to achieve. I feel the parts of this movie were entrepreneurial because of the goals they were trying to achieve no matter the challenges brought forth, although any individual can have goals it was different for each group or organization in the movie. Completely different approaches to each problem or challenge were taken because of the harm different things are doing to our world. Another thing to add is, Entrepreneurs tend to push their ideas or strategies forward no matter what the obstacle may be, in this instance it would be organizations like the FDA or even the president who can enforce regulations. These regulations aren’t exactly putting a stop to most of the ideas the individuals share, they are just slowing them down for the time being. Regardless, our world is frequently needing change and that is exactly what these groups are trying to achieve.

I feel the movie was interesting because it displayed just a few ways people are willing to make changes. If you told someone 50 years ago that there may be an individual who can take the time to 3D print human body parts or organs they would think you are going insane. Although these things are very interesting there can be some risks, which is why regulations are put in place to allow time and testing before a product or service can be finalized. Each group shown in the movie also agreed that regulations should be mandatory, but after further explanations, they think the process should sometimes be sped up considering the consequences certain people may face. Lives are lost and people are hurting because of the time some of these regulations tend to take, this is why they would like certain individuals to consider the process just a little quicker which will now allow me to transition into the next question.

Society can be greatly affected when it comes to studies like this. Some of the experiments shown can be life-saving and some people will never live to see that. Lots of people believe that certain regulations are put to the test to allow for a better market, this will also allow companies to make more money or so they think. For Entrepreneurs, this can be a good thing, but unfortunately, because of the struggles society faces entrepreneurs are constantly looking for ways to improve people's lives and in this scenario, it is anywhere from cleaning our polluted air to farming the sea. The seen and the unseen were also discussed again in the film and showed a great representation of how it works. Thousands of people are always creating things or looking for ways to improve and in the movie that's exactly what was happening, but because of the regulations or new laws that have been created nobody has seen any of these advancements. Lots of individuals choose to say “it can't be done”, but others just ask themselves “when will it be done?”.

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