Wall Street (1987)

Danielle Young
Wall Street (1987)
December 7 2022
When this movie came out in 1987 it was an iconic movie and it shined light on the capitalistic trading mentality existing in one of the world’s largest financial markets. In This Movie Wall Street the movie is focused on this one character, his name is Bud Fox. He works as a stockbroker and he is full of ambition and wants to succeed in life, he would do whatever he can to get to the top. In the beginning of the movie Bud fox wants to work for Gordon Gecko, it is his dream. For Geckos birthday Bud brought him contraband cigars. Gecko was impressed with this and offered him an interview to work for him and Bud was ecstatic for this opportunity. But during the interview Gecko wasn't impressed so Bud pulled out his last card. He imparts some inside information about Bluestar Airlines to Gekko which he overheard from his father.
Impressed by the act, Gekko ends up placing an order for Bluestar Airlines’ stocks and becoming one of Fox’s clients. Over the next few months, Fox made several stock deals for Gekko but none showed an increase. Furious Gekko offers a last chance to Bud for him to keep his job. Desperate to continue working with Gekko, Fox agrees to spy on a British CEO and a corporate raider, Lawrence Wildman, and discern his upcoming plans of investments. By following him, Fox learns about an investment Wildman is planning to make in a major steel company named Anacott and take the controlling interest. By leaking the news in the press, Gekko buys the controlling shares before Wildman and sells him the same for a lucrative profit.
That deal earns him a lot of money but it takes a toll on him. It all goes downhill when Gecko tries to sell his stock when it was at the highest price but all his stocks were plummeting. Bud and Wildman set up this plan to deceive him. But Gecko was a step ahead and then informed the SEC about the inside trading and all the illegal things has been doing to make money.
This movie puts into perspective how far some people will go to be successful and make money. They do not care how they do it or the bridges they burn in the process. In this movie they say greed is good, when in reality it is not. Greed will only get you into trouble or if you're already in trouble, get you into more trouble.
In this movie I realized a lot of today's prices are not set by the seller of the product. It is set by the buyers. Because if someone sells something that is not close to the prices of other items no one is going to buy it. It is all about demand. Bud in this movie is actually an entrepreneur. A Lot of people might think he is not, but he is, he is making something of himself, which is what entrepreneurs do.

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