Tucker: The Man and His Dreams

Danielle Young
This movie is about a man names Tucker who has a fresh new take on the automotive industry. He was obsessed with cars since his childhood. He created a new car called the Tucker, and he had a company called Tucker Automotive that ended up getting shut down due to stock fraud. Which then gets him arrested and sent to court for. Which he got accused of just taking all the money for his own and not building the fifty cars that he said he would. Which in the long run since his automotive company got shutdown there are only fifty of these cars on the road, and at the end of the movie it stated how forty-six of them can still be driven on the road today. I did find out that a couple years later Tucker ended up passing away due to some type of illness, but Id say he made a big impression in the automotive world.
I found this movie extremely interesting because I have a big interest in cars. It was really interesting watching the inner workings of how they are made, and all the hardships Tucker had to face. Such as them getting steel for the cars, they would have been charged twice as much as the big three other competitors. I think one of the hardest things Tucker had to do was breaking into the automotive industry, there are so many blocks up in that business world that make it hard for any small company to come up with anything to sell to the public. It also did not really help that he had more successful people talking down to him and telling him that he could not do it and did not have what it takes. But he chose to ignore them and create his own dream car. Which he did.
I think the new car Tucker invented had a major impact on society then and now. Because before his car, all the cars on the road did not have seatbelts. So, if the person driving got in a crash it was almost always a bad ending. He also made better headlights to where when you turn you can see where you were going, which was big. A lot of the cars had a lot of blind spots too which then causes a lot of accidents too. His main goal was to create a safer and overall better car on the road. Toward the end of the movie when Tucker was in court for stock fraud, I noticed that the jurors were wanting to hear what Tucker had to say. Then they ended up not voting him guilty so then Tucker yelled for everyone to go outside and ride in one of his cars to further prove the point that the money he got was used to make the cars and not for his personal gain. How do entrepreneurs gauge success? I would say they would gauge it on how they effected the society and if it made it a better or worse place.

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