The Founder

Danielle Young



The Founder

This movie might have been one of my favorites so far. It all started when Ray Kroc gets a phone call from a company wanting to buy six of his multimixers. Which is a contraption that can blend numerous milkshakes at once. He stopped by the restaurant and was dumbfounded by what the restaurant was, just because he had never been to something like this. That is when he meets the McDonald brothers, and they give him a full tour of their McDonalds. Ray was astonished with how clean and fast paced it was. When he recognized how successful this company could be he was eager to have the McDonald brothers try and franchise this idea and expand it. While the brothers were very fickle about this idea Ray was over the moon about it. Little did Ray know, the brothers already tried to franchise the idea and it didn’t work out.

While watching this movie I came to the realization that the Mcdonald brothers portray the two sides of an entrepreneur's mind. Dick was the part of the mind that always finds the logical reasoning and doesn’t like trying new things in case they fail. While Don McDonald is more of the free-willed and more creative side, he is willing to try new things and is eager to expand and be more successful. During this movie I also noticed how cutthroat the entrepreneur's business is. During this movie Ray did not try to be liked by anyone, he came to do one thing and that was be successful. He did not care whose feelings he hurt. He ended up buying Mcdonalds from the brothers for 2.7 million back in 1961, that would be worth nine million three hundred fifty-five thousand seven hundred and seventy-two dollars in today's money.

In this movie, it did a great job showing how the business minds work, and society will affect a restaurant. Don and Dick went through numerous changes in their restaurant before they got what they had when Ray went and visited them. They talked about the first big change they made, which resulted in them cutting their restaurant in half and driving it to a new location. Which then turned the restaurant into a drive-in because that’s what was super popular and made the most money during that time. The brothers made pretty good money during that time, then they decided to change it up and change everything about it. They made all the packaging for it to be thrown away when people are done eating it, they made it to where people had to walk up to the window and order, and they made it to where people could eat food anywhere they wanted. This was a brand-new concept during that time, so at first they were not that successful but given time they got super popular. When the word got out that there was a new restaurant to go too that always had food ready and it was fresh, they became super popular with the locals.

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