Discussion Paper- The Founder

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Josh Duncan
EEE 2083
27 September 2022

The Founder
The Movie, “The Founder” is an overall good movie, Ray Kroc is an entrepreneur in this movie and he starts off as not the most successful one but after years of being persistent, he becomes one of the most successful entrepreneurs in the world and becomes the founder of McDonald's. This movie is very interesting to me because for one you learn the whole background behind McDonald's, which was very cool, you also see how one of the most successful businesses ever got started and how expanded and worked everything out to make it so big. How this movie had an interaction with entrepreneurship and society because it showed how society can play a role in your new business on expanding and how as an entrepreneur to know all your rules and regulations. An example in this movie is Ray Kroc outsmarted the McDonald brothers, how he did it is finding a loophole in the agreement between the two signed gaining him more money. So, what he did was opened his own realtor business that bought the land that McDonald would franchise on therefore giving him the money from both. Showing how Ray Kroc went around their contract shows how you should always know your rules and regulations and always negotiate your contracts carefully before signing because the brothers lost their business from not doing either of these.
Another thing that we have learned and talked about in this class, and it happened in the movie is to solve customer problems and explore new ways. In “The Founder”, the entrepreneurial brothers saw that there was a problem with people wanting quality food, fast. So what did they do they created the hamburger business after many other failed businesses and how they created the lightning-fast speed of food being delivered as they did many drawings and worked out the kinks on a tennis court. Once they found the most efficient layout possible for everything, they started implementing it in all their restaurants. This is one of the main reasons Mcdonald's is so successful because they are known for its fast service. All of this came from the brothers seeing what the customers wanted and how they could explore their options to create a fast-service restaurant. This is how a successful entrepreneur works seeing the issue or problem and finding a solution to please the people and make a profit. It is exactly what the McDonald brothers did, is found the most efficient way possible to get a competitive advantage over the other rivaling restaurants at the time.
There was also creative destruction in this movie, The McDonald brothers did it when they came up with the idea to make a simple yet fast serving restraint, that people would have to wait in line for and not be a drive-in experience. It is because they were getting rid of the old which would be a drive-in experience with car hop and replacing it with a window and line. Another way was they were getting rid of the traditional wait for your food after you pay by replacing it also with a fast service where they get the food at the window which didn’t happen before. Both things are great examples of entrepreneurship and society because they are using creative destruction to improve/replace the old. Which is what a successful entrepreneur wants to do is find what the people want and please them and this is what happens throughout this movie.

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